offset lithograph

March Forward to People's Power
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster printed on white paper. At the top left is "august / 9" in red. At the center is a stylized image of two female figures with their fists raised printed in blue/black ink. Below the image is...

Vera Zoekt Medewerkers
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster printed on white paper. At the left is a stylized image of a stern woman in a black dress with anthropomorphized virus bacteria with fases on a red background behind her. To the left of the...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster advertising Club Jaecques, a leather bar in Amsterdam. Image is black and white nude male on a pedestal, and a sign for the bar hanging from chains. Location in black text below image.

Congreso  Latino Americano de Botanica Nacional

Poster advertising a 1982 botany conference in Peru. Poster is yellow, with green text and a green and white graphic image of a plant.


Poster promoting a seminar about women and employment in Ecuador. image is a duotone in blue of an indigenous woman with a basket of vegetabes on her back.

Grafik utstallning med skankta blad av svenska konstnarer
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with Swedish text about an exhibition of Swedish artists. Dark blue text , with a graphic image in turquoise and red of a female face holding a bird, and a small person on a bull at bottom...

Khong co gi quy hon doc lap tu do
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with Vietnamese text and image of a white lotus flower and red and pink sky/background.

Salvemos Las Ballenas
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster about saving the whales. Black text on a blue background with illustrations of several whales and their names, in order from top to bottom by size. Illustration of an elephant and a human...

Primer simposio Cubano de Botanica

Poster with an image of a palm tree and a green shield, advertising the first Cuban symposium on botany.

La recuperacion el manejo de los reursos naturales y su equilibrio ecologico es meta de la revolucion
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with an illustration of a forest with a parrot, monkey, bird, deer, cheetah, fish, butterflies, and flowers, but to the left is an area that has been deforested and only stumps are left. A...


Poster with a watercolor image of two children collecting plastic from a beach and the ocean.

Misteriosa Ave Nocturna

Poster with a painting of an owl at night landing in a field with a mouse or rat. Information about the species at right.

C'est en donnant qu'on recoit le plus
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with text in French "C''est en donnant qu''on recoit le plus" (It is in giving that we receive more). Background is blue with an image of a hand dropping seeds into another outstretched...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with woodcut image of Vietnamese soldiers across top half of poster. Text is white and green on a white background.

24 Years Of Heroic Struggle 1960-1984

Poster celebrating 24 years of the existance of the group SWAPO. Background is light green, with image of several men, the foremost in military garb holding a rifle. To the left is a large "24"...

Aturem la ciutat actuem contra la guerra
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster in Catalan advertising and anti-war rally. Text is black and red, on white background at top and gray background at bottom. Large icon of missle/bomb with a red slash through it.

Zu einer Hoffnung berufen

Poster with graphic image of stylized black eagle and white dove on a purple background. Text lists five dates for presentations.

Gerustet fur eine stahlende Zukunft

Poster with black and white image of five holding missles. In the background is a nuclear mushroom cloud. Text in white at bottom.

Second International Water Tribunal

Poster advertising the Second International Water Tribunal in 1992 in The Netherlands. Image at bottom left is a photo in blue of a person scooping water with their hands.

Sie nennen es frieden

Poster with illustration of the Earth surrounded by a variety of missiles. Background is gray with a dark blue and light blue border. At bottom is a rectangular label in orange that is attached to...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with many skulls and one prominent skull above text reading "Europa?" The background is yellow at the top, tranmsitioning to red and purple at the center and bottom. Background image is...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with a caricature of Ronald Reagan dressed as a sheriff. To the left are instructions for cutting out pieces to turn the poster into a puppet, with Reagan controlling Schmidt. All text is...


Poster printed on white paper. At the top is "friedensdemo / anlablich des NATO-Gipfels". At the center is a red circle with black German text around the edges and a central stylized image of a...

Marcha Nacional del Orgullo Homosexual
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black printed background. At the top is "4 Marcha Nacional del / Orgullo Homosexual" in pink followed by an inverted pink triangle. At the bottom right is "26 de junio 11am. / Mnto....

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