antiwar movement


The blue button has a drawing of a fist holding dog-tags, below which is written SOS (Stop Our Ships).


The white button shows two hands breaking a large gun, underneath which is written, War Resisters League.

1967|c. 1967

The blue button has yellow writing that reads: Smper Fi Lives! Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan, GI Resistance, and has a large peace sign in the center with a sword and dove behind it.


The black and white button reads: Memorial Day, USA 1967 Vietnam: Our Boys Are Dying In Vain.


The white button reads in large red type- Beat the Draft!, in smaller blue type it reads, Wanna stay healthy? Keep your windows closed and install weather stripping today!

c. 1968

Small, round lapel pin, yellow with "Horseshit" printed in black letters.


This is a watch, never worn, with a black leather band. On the face of the watch is printed "Remember Vietnam; Stay Out of Iraq! Just Say No To War."


The bumper sticker is white, and in blue writing it reads "Support Our Troops" below which, in red is written, "Bring 'em Home Alive." The bumper sticker was handed out at antiwar and anti-...


The round, black button reads "War Without End? Not In Our Name" in bold white type.


The round, black button, still in the original packaging, has a peace sign in the center and reads "Our Grief Is Not A Cry For War"


The round button, still in the original package, has the earth in the center, around which reads "War Without End? Not In Our Name"


The large blue flag has the image of the earth from outer space (the official symbol of the organization).


The round, black button reads "War Without End? Not In Our Name" in bold white type.


The blackpostcard is two sided. Side one, has an image of the earth from outter space (the official symbol of the organization) and reads in bold white type "War Without End? Not In Our Name....


The draft letter, written to Dow Chemical Company from Jerome Fishkin- from Van Nuys, California, is a sarcastic letter of appreciation regarding a sample of bathroom cleaner him and his wife...


Book sent by donor to her son Alvin while he was serving in Vietnam during the war. Mrs. Johnson was a Quaker and very anti-war. She shipped the book to Alvin inside a box of baked goods in...

This is a political booklet outlining Jerry Rubin's platform for mayor of Berkeley,

The front cover has brown and orange flowers and leaves. Written in brown, at the top, is "For Mayor of...


This is a gold-plated medallion engraved with "War is not healthy for children and other living things" engraved in black on the front. This was a popular slogan or phrase used on anti-Vietnam...

c. 1966

Used by a Quaker mother to inform her son, a soldier in Vietnam, this booklet examines the Vietnam War, America's international policy, and anti-war beliefs.


The black poster has an image of the earth from outter space in the center (the official symbol of the organization). On the top, in white on blue type, it reads "Stop the War on Iraq! NOT IN OUR...


The black poster has an image of the earth from outter space in the center (the official symbol of the organization). On the top, in white on blue type, it reads "Stop the War on Iraq! NOT IN OUR...


The black poster has a large image of the earth from outter space (the official symbol of the organization), which is surrounded by blue and gray type reading No War On Iraq. Above and below the...


The black poster has a large image of the earth from outter space (the official symbol of the organization), which is surrounded by blue and gray type reading No War On Iraq. Above and below the...


The black poster has a large image of the earth from outter space (the official symbol of the organization), which is surrounded by blue and gray type reading No War On Iraq. Above and below the...

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