offset lithograph

the Changing Face of Labor

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a notice for a conference at the University of California, Berkeley. At the top of the poster is white and black text that reads: "The Berkeley Journal...

International Solidarity Fund
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is for the International Solidarity Fund. Poster has a blue background. At the bottom is an image of earth. Above earth are three heads facing to the left...

Fonds International De Solidarite
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is for the International Solidarity Fund. Poster has a green background. At the bottom is an image of earth. Above earth are three heads facing to the left...


Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a for the UAW labor union. Poster has a black and white stripped background. There is a black and white image of John F. Kennedy with his hand raised on...

Workers Enter Politics

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster depicts a scene in a town square. In the center there are people gathered around a man on a wagon speaking to the crowd. In the background are trees and...

Women At Work

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a collage of images related to women in the workplace in the late 19th and early 20th century. At the top left is a parade of women. At the top right...

Unions In Steel

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster depicts a scene in a town. There are police officers on horseback forcing people into their homes. There is a city scape in the background. At the bottom...

The Workers' Friends

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a collage of images. In the background is the Capitol Building. In the middle toward the right is a man giving a speech, below him is a lake with trees...

This Union Cause

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a collage of images. At the top left is a group of men surveying a piece of land. At the right is a train running with a heard of buffalo running from...

The UAW Struggle

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a collage of images. At the bottom are soliders in combat, at the top left are men sitting around a table in a automobile factory and at the right are...

The Reuther Brothers

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a collage of images related to the Labor Movement. In the foreground are three men in suites (the Reuther brothers), there are groups of protesters, a...

the Seaman's Fight

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster depicts a scene of men wokring on a ship deck. In the left corner is a portrait of a man in a suit. In the background there are buildings along a dock. at...

The Pullman Strike

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a collage of images related to the Pullman Strike of 1894. Poster depicts a court hearing, a group of men on horseback, a group of people fighting with...

The Miners' Struggle

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a collage of scenes related to coal minging. There is a child in miners clothing holding a pick ax. A parade of men and women and a group of people...

The Industrial Workers Of the World: The Wobblies

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is collage of images related to the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). The poster depicts men camping, men mining coal, a protest women and children...

The Melting Pot

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a collage of images related to immigration. There is a scene of a market, a ship with families, the Statue of Liberty and men working in a workshop. At...

The Haymarket Riot

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster depicts a collage of scenes related to a labor riot. There are men in a court hearing, deadbodies, police men shooting at a group of protesters, and a mob...

The Depression Of The 30's

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a collage of images related to the Depression in the Unted States. Ther are scene of homeless families living out of their cars, a line of men getting...

Slave Labor

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a collage of images related to slavery in the United States. There are depictions of a slave auction, a hanging and men working in harsh winter...

The Colonial Days

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster depicts a scene on a boat dock. Men and women are disembarking from a ship at the left. At the right a man is standing on a platform with his hands behind...

Organizing the Industrial Workers

Poster is printed on white paper. The poster is a collage of images related to craft unions. In the background are portraits of eight men. Below them is a crowd of laborers. At the bottom left is...


Poster is printed on white paper. Poster depicts a scene of a group of men celebrating. The two men in the middle are holding up a gavel together. The group is standing in front of a table with a...

One of the First Strikes

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster depicts a mob scene in a town with brick buildings. There are men in formal dress, men in uniform and men in workers clothing. At the left a man is holding...

Memorial Day

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a scene in a field. A group of police officers are assaulting and chasing away a group of protesters. In the foreground there police vans and dead...

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