offset lithograph

Labor Day Parade

Top half of poster is a blue box with white text reading "Come See The Labor Day Parade" with the day, date, time and number of participants. Two little men in red and white uniforms carry a large...

May Day

Poster has a central black and white image of a cluster of objects including a violin, a bottle of wine, a book, a globe, a hourglass, etc. Above the image starting at the top of the poster is...

Festival of Native American Arts

Poster has a stylized image of two figures with bodies of ears of corn gazing up into the starry night sky at a circular symbol wearing a headdress. Below the image, on the white background is...

American Indian Religious Freedom

Poster shows a North American Indian man with a feather in his hair holding a peace pipe in a collage of images including an eagle flying in front of the sun, a + shaped graphic, a river with two...

Intertribal Pow Wow

Top half of poster has an image of a line of North American Indian men in a line wearing traditional clothing, some holding instruments. Above the image is the text "5th Annual Intertribal Pow Wow...


Poster has large red text along the top reading "KILI FM Radio" followed by an abstract image of three figures riding horses and holding spears in a line. An inverted version of the image is below...


Poster has black images and black and red text printed on beige paper. Poster shows a North American Indian man in a t-shirt with a snake on it and holding a guitar. To the man''s right is the...

Walk On The World Side

Poster has "Walk On The World Side" in large yellow letters along the top left on a black background with a gray gear object to the text''s lower left. A thin orange bar extends across the top of...

Sisseton-Whapeton Sioux Tribe

Poster shows central shaded shape of Lake Traverse reservation in green with traditional symbols marking significant locations in red. Above the image is blue text reading "125th Annual Wacipi -...

teaching respect for Native Peoples

Poster has a central black and white photograph of a child with a small bird perched on her indez finger. The photo is bordered by a red line. The poster title is in black text at the top - "...

Footprints in Blood
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black and white image and orange and black text. Poster shows a North American Indian man with a feather in his hair and a sad expression on his face. Image is a printed copy of a...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a central image of a circle divided into fourths, each section a different color - white, yellow, red, and black. Four feathers hand down from the circle to the bottom of the poster,...


Poster has a large illustration of a shadow on the desert landscape with one hand on his hip and the other reaching up toward the right corner of the image. Illustration is enclosed in a white and...

Arlee Powwow

Poster shows the bust of a North American Indian man in a traditional headdress at the right and a cluster of tipis surrounded by horses and mountains with the heads of three North American Indian...

31st Annual Pow Wow

Poster has a central image of a North American Indian man moving, with whisps of color following his movements. The image is surrounded by a red border and is placed on a purple background. Above...

Berkeley Intertribal Pow-Wow

Poster has a background that fades from red to white as it moves up the poster with black images and white and black text. Central image shows a North American Indian man split down the middle...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster shows a North American Indian man with a feather in his hair sitting crosslegged and smoking a pipe. A body of water with a sun in the horizon, reflecting on the water and a figure in a...

Institute of American Indian Arts
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Laminated poster has a polychromatic image with a white border on a black background with white text. The image shows a North American Indian in the foreground at the right wearing red traditional...

Steve Forbis

Poster has a large image of a man and woman sitting on boxes - the woman is sitting on boxes labeled "7up Winslow Ariz." and "Cocal Cola Bottling Co. Of Northern Arizona" and the man, wearing a...

New Directions Northwest
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster shows a black and white photo of a mask at the left with the caption, in black text, at the lower left reading "She Who Watches, 1986 / Lillian Pitt anagama fired clay 9 1/2" x 11" x 3....

Virginia A. Stroud
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a polychromatic image of six female figures on horses in a river bed with tall grass and a tree in the background. A pink border surrounds the image. In the border at the bottom left...

Sioux Quillwork Techniques

Poster has black and white images and black text on a white background. Top half of poster divided into two rows of four columns. The box at the top left has a photo of sewn quill and step by step...

Messages from the past

Poster shows an outdoor scene with rocks on grass and a tree in the top right with a blue, red, and yellow sky with dotted faces. The rock in the foreground at the bottom left has archaeological...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a white background with an abstract red and white flag and blue and white text. In blue text at the top of the poster is "Native Americans For" followed by the red/white flag and "...

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