offset lithograph

Independence And Socialism / For Puerto Rico

This poster has a white background with black print except for a red, white, and blue Puerto Rican Flag in the upper right quarter of the page. The flag is vertically oriented with the star at the...

?Unete! / al / 9no Desfile Del Pueblo
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

This is a white poster with red, blue, and black text and a grayscale photograph in the center. The photograph is a scene of people outdoors with a building and trees in the background. Several...

Lolita Lebron
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

This poster features a large, wavy, Puerto Rican flag across the center with a sketch of a female figure holding up her right fist in front of it. Large, white text on a black background along the...

For Angel / For Vieques
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

This poster is printed on texture, thick, off-white paper. The printing is all green. There is a thin border around the edge and an image of male figures being pulled or held by soldiers at the...

Late 20th - Early 21st Century

The background of this poster is white with ?-inch wide, gray lines dividing the area into 3-inch squares. A red, white, and blue Puerto Rican flag flies from a black flagpole on the left. Below...

circa 1974

This poster is printed on thick, textured paper. The central image covers the top ? of the page with a ?-inch margin around it. A white star on a blue circle in the top center has red and white...

Ciertament Somos Un Mismo Pueblo Separados Por El Mar.../ Y Unidos Integralmente Por La Cultura

This is a white poster with large, black text at the top reading "Ciertamente Somos Un Mismo Pueblo Separadoes Por El Mar? / Unidos Integralmente Por La Cultura" with the English translation...

To Negate Independence  / Is to Incite Violence!

This is a red poster with white text and a black image of a machine gun, soldiers, and a male figure. The machine gun extends at an angle from the bottom left edge to the top right edge and the...

Escuelas Para Chiapas: Schools For Chiapas
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster has an unprinted white border. The poster has a large stylized drawing overall. The drawing shows a small village in a forest with a number of brightly dressed people, near a river, there...

Free All Political Prisoners
c. 1990

Poster has a white background with black and red text. Main image looks to be of a distorted face with blood streaming from the person's nose. At the bottom, poster reads, "Free All Political...


This is a white poster with black text. There is a black and white image of a fist that appears to be punching through the poster in the lower middle section. Below it, text reads "semana...


This is a light blue poster with black text. Below the large title, "Disappeared in Argentina / 15,000 men, women and children" is a circular group of black and white photographs of...

Colombian Coke Float
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

The title of this poster is in large white text on a black background along the top edge. It reads "Colombian Coke Float". The central image is an illustration of a large glass of "Coke" sitting...

Killer Coke
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

This is a black poster with two holes near the top corners. Blue, handwriting-type font at the top reads "ice cold". The central image is a photograph of the bottoms of two feet with a graphic of...

USA Provides the Guns Colombia Provides the Dead
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

This poster is solid white with black text and images. There are two images of machine guns with their barrels crossed at the top. Below these, very large text reads "USA / Provides the / Guns". A...

Por La Vida Contra El Bloqueo
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

This poster is gray and features a drawing of a woman and child looking towards the left edge of the poster. There are flowers floating on either side of the top of the woman's head. She is naked...


This is a white poster with red and black text and a large, black image of the island of Cuba. From the top, it reads "U.S. Hands Off / CUBA" with the first line of text in gradient...

XVth Anniversary of the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

This is an orange poster with a pink, pixiLated image covering the entire space. The image is of two male figures wearing hats. Both have facial hair. The rest of their features are...

Viva Cuba
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Large white text taking up the top ? of this poster reads "Viva Cuba". Smaller black text below and to the right reads "Territorio Libre De America". Three male figures holding up guns and...

Break the Blockade of Cuba

This is a white poster with a black and white photograph in the middle verticals and slightly left of center. The image is of a girl with her hand in her mouth. Large, Red text that resembles...

No Vietnam War In El Salvador
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

This is a tall, skinny poster with large white text on a red background at the top reading "No / Vietnam / War In / El Salvador". The text continues at the bottom with "And / Central / America" in...

No Vietnam War In Central America
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

This is a long, skinny poster with a two black circles taking up 1/3 of the poster each at the top and bottom. Inside the circle at the top is an image of Martin Luther King Jr. and inside the...

On The Brink...

This is a horizontally oriented poster with a gray and brown map of Central America and the Caribbean taking up the left 2/3 of the area. This map is outlined in black and has a small, overlapping...

It is against the darkness, this revolution...And the begginning of everything that is to come.

This is a vertically oriented poster on white paper. There is a thin, green border all the way around about ? inch from the edge of the paper. Inside this border, there are 7 irregularly shaped...

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