offset lithograph

Beyond Fast Food Nation

Poster has a black background wtih yellow, white, and orange text. In the center is an image of a hamburger with actual cows representing the patty. Poster reads, "Mother Jones Magazine,...

30th Annual KPFA Community Crafts Fair

Poster has a purple and red background with red and tan text. In the center is a gourd with the design of dancing figures and drums. Poster reads, "30th Annual KPFA/ Community Crafts Fair." Rest...


Poster has a black background with orange text. In the center is an image of a political poster with images of three South African freedom fighters and with text that reads, "Victory to the...

Himalayan Fair

Poster has a dark maroon background with tan and white text. In the center is an image of an elephant with multiple arms extending from its body, each holding onto something including vegetables...

Nicaragua Wants Peace

Central image is a black and white drawing of two people in an embrace with one of them having a rifle hanging from his/her shoulder. Poster reads, "Nicaragua Wants Peace."

No Pasaran

Central image is a close-up of a young man's face. He is wearing a hat and is staring straight ahead. Poster reads at that bottom in green, "No Pasaran."

KPFA Crafts Fair

Poster has a black background with white and brown text. In the center is an image of someone on roller skates, leaning forward. Poster reads, "KPFA Crafts Fair/ 23rd annual 1993/ Outstanding...

The Holiday Crafts Fair
c. 1992

Poster has a black background with yellow and red text. In the center is a photograph of three different spirit sticks. Poster reads, "KPFA Radio 94.1 FM presents The Holiday Crafts Fair." Bottom...

Behind The Green Door
c. 1997

Poster has a tan, black and white background with black, red, and green text. Top half has an abstracted image that looks like the eyes of an animal. Poster reads, "What is happening to our...

Howard Zinn: The Future of American History
C. 1992

Poster has a reddish brown background with white text. To the right is an image of Howard Zinn. Poster reads, "The Middle East Children's Alliance & KPFA present a brilliant evening with the...

Ideological Coverup
c. 1974

Two-thirds of poster has the word "LOVE" in red over a green, blue and purple background. The "E" in "Love" is pulled back like a curtain and a group of green...

Scam gang
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster consists of yellow, blue, black, red and plum print on white paper. Image depicts Richard Nixon with a yellow star imposed over his face. Four rectangles are in a line next to Nixon with...

14th annual himalayan fair
c. 1997

Poster consist sof white, gold, and red print on a black background. Image in the center of ganesh holding carrots, money, jewlery and weapons in its many hands with a rabbit by it's feet standing...

A Free Palestine

Poster contains a reproduction of an artwork by Malaquias Montoya that shows a figurative landscape with a short text piece by Dom Ashton across the top. The landscape includes a white and black...

The State of The Union

Poster is printed on white paper with text and images in red green and blue. Top of the poster has text in blue, green, and red that reads from top to bottom: "The Nation Associates Pacifica Radio...

KPFA Presents An Evening With Philip Agee
ca 1995

Poster has a black background and a white border overall. Top edge has text in white: "Phillip Agee" with a five pointed star on either side. The left edge of the poster has text in white: "KPFA...

50th Anniversary KPFA 94.1 FM/Pacifica Radio 1949 - 1999

Poster has a purple background overall. Top of poster is printed with a three by three grid of rectangular, highly stylized, colorful drawings of various famous figures including at top row right...

3rd Annual New Year's Eve Red, Black,  and White Ball

Poster has a thin white border overall. Background of poster is gray, darker at top and lighter at bottom. Poster is sprinted with a stylized drawing of a large bell tower at right. In the top of...

Voices of Justice and Solidarity for Guatemala

Poster has a black background. In the center is an image of several men holding onto another man who is bleeding. The background behind them is pink. Below the image reads, "Voices of Justice and...

The Korean Peasants league
c. 2005

Poster has a brown background with light tan text. At the top center is an image of a woman in a field with green plants behind her and holding grain. On her hat is "No To W To!" Along the top...

Celebrate People's History: Dolores Huerta

Poster is printed on light yellow paper with a border of fruits in red. At the top corners are two images of the UFW eagle. In the center is a large image of a woman. Above her is a banner that...


Poster is printed on light blue paper with gray text. In the center is a red image of a man in a wheelchair. The man is raising one fist into the air. Across the top is "Adapt" and across the...

The Occupation of Ford Hall

Poster has a black background with light green text. In the lower left is an image of man playing a drum. Poster reads, "Student History is People's History/ The Occupation of Ford Hall/ Celebrate...

Celebrate People's History: White Rose.

Poster has a light gray background with white and black text. Around the ege are sketches of men and women. At the top is a white rose with "Celebrate People's History/ White Rose." The lwoer...

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