offset lithograph

John Hancock
In Defense of Civil Liberties
untitled (U.S. Capitol and caricatures)
The Living Constitution Poster Series
Relocation: Civil Rights In Wartime
Suffragettes: Votes for Women
Campaign Poster: The Third Term Issue
Pilgrims going to worship: Freedom of Religion
Taking the Census: Fair Representation
A Letter from Prison: Right to an Attorney
King Andrew I: Presidential Veto
Daniel Boone: Right to Bear Arms
Burning Zenger's Journal: Freedom of the Press
Jury of Senator: Impeachment
Witchcraft Trial: Self-incrimination
The Bill of Rights
We the People
California Attorneys for Criminal Justice
Banned Books Week, September 23-30 1989
I pledge allegiance
Washington D.C.: Our Nations Capital
The Battle of Lexington April 19, 1775 PLate 1
The Fruits of Arbitrary Power, or the Bloody Massacre
Destruction of the Royal Statue in New York
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