offset lithograph

The War
Earthdance 2003
Call to peace for people of faith
No more war toys
From the weapons of death has been wrought a torch of peace
Associated news service: British troops in German second line
Values: The bedrock of our profession
They'll Kill Us Seven Times. We'll Kill Them Eigh Times.
Associated News Service: 171 Lost on U.S. transport "Tuscania"
Marina Kapura & Gruppa Yabloko
Campaign for a U.S. Department of Peace
Keb'Mo' Peace, back by popular demand
Gobalizing justice & peace: Visions and strategies
Jane Fonda & Tom Hayden
University of Calif., Berkeley Defense Contracts
The U.S. vs. John Lennon
In A Nuclear War There Will Be No Survivors
Untitled (Ghandi with walking stick and book)
Stop U.S. intervention in central america and the caribbean
Jobs with Peace
KPFA stop the war teach-in
War is hell
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