offset lithograph

Not Again!
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white/cream paper. The background is red. At the top of the poster is white text that reads: "Not / Again!". Below this text is a black image of two helicopters with soldiers...

Stop The Draft
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has a white boackround with a blue and red boarder. Centered in the poster is an image of Uncle Sam wearing a cowboy hat with stars on it. His face is a...

The Pioneers of a Warless World
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has a block of white background with black text that reads: "'The pioneers of a warless world are the young men (and women) who refuse military service...

Education With Strings Attached
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper. AT the top of the poster is red text that reads: "Eductaion / With Strings / Attached.". Below this text is an image of school books, a gun and a check all tied...

Interfaith Peace Festival

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has a gold boarder. At the top of the poster gold text reads: "Interfaith Peace Festival / September 30 - / October 2, 1983 / Grace Catherdral / San...

Vote Peace In '84

Poster is printed on blue paper. The top of the poster has black text that reads: "Vote Peace In ' 84". Below this text is a voting form that has two column, one for 'War' and one for 'Peace' . A...

The Cultural Peace Journey

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is an advertisement for a gallery opening. At the top is black text that reads: "The Cultural Peace Journey". Below this is a black and white image of a...

Nuremberg Actions

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is an advertisement for a protest. The top three-forths of the poster is a collage/image of people protesting, police in riot/SWAT team gear and two large...

Nantahala '90

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has white and black boarder. Centered in the poster is a color photograph of a man and another person in a raft holding ores. They are wearing helmets and...

United We Stand
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has a black background. Centered in the poster is a color photograph of nine US military plane flying in formation with red, white and blue smoke coming...

The National Peace Quilt 1984 - 1986
ca 1986

Poster is printed on white paper overall. The top of the poster has a photograph of a large quilt. The quilt had a red, white and gold border; the corners are blue with white crosses that have...

We Must Have Order
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has a blue background. At the top is yellow text that reads: "We Must / Have Order". Below this text is an image of a pyramid with business men, scientists...

Air Force
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper. Centered in poster is a color photograph of an airplane in the sky with clouds. AT the top left corner is text that reads: "C-54 Galaxy". At the bottom right...

Air Force
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper. Centered in the poster is a color photgraph of a TR-1 Dragonlady airplane. At the top left is blue text that reads: "TR-1 Dragonlady". At the bottom right corner...

Stop Militarism In Our Schools
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper.At the top of the poster is green text that reads: "'I would no more teach school children / military training than teach them / arson, robbery, or assassination...

Peace Is A Delicate Balance of All of Us
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper.At the top right of the poster is a black and white photograph of a man. Under the photogrpah is black text that reads: "Ralph Digin \\ 25 yrs with the War...

Untitled (Jesus Christ and Four Horsemen)

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has a white boarder. The poster depicts the end of the world/judgement day. In the sky is an image of Jesus Christ holding up a dove and a cross in his...

Heros of Peace and Justice

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has a white boarder. The poster is a collage of portraits of Mother Teresa, Cesar Chaves, Martin Lurther King and Gandhi. They are placed in a sky with...

Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has a black and white drawing of a portrait of Gandhi wearing glasses looking out at the viewer. Below the image is black text that reads: "Watching".

Six Entertaining Days

Poster is printed on white paper. At the top and bottom left of the poster is a red rectangle. Toward the top are blue stripes and block with white text in them that reads: "Six Entertaining Days...

Aim Higher
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a book cover. The front cover has a blue background with a white rectangle that has black and blue text that reads: "Aim Higher / Peace / It Is The /...

America Remembers!

Poster printed in shades of orange and white with a graphic of a Bald Eagle. The Eagle has its wings extended in flight with one of its legs shackled to a chain that extends to the bottom right...

The Cousteau Society

Poster has a black background with green text. Has the image of a manatee eating an underwater plant with several fish surrounding it. Poster reads, "The Cousteau Society." Verso has the Calypso...

The Cousteau Society

Poster has a black background with white text. Has the image of gorgonian coral that looks like an undersea plant, dominant colors are white and red, but also is transluscent. Poster reads, "The...

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