offset lithograph

The oryx

One black and orange/brown poster. Image depicts an Arabian Oryx on a sand dune, its tracks visible in the sand. At the bottom of the poster is "World Wildlife Fund 30th Anniversary, The Oryx,...

A concert to celebrate the Hudson Estuary
c. 1990

Poster has a black and white drawing of the New York City skyline with the World Trade Center visible and a crane in the foreground. Above is a map of the Hudson river with fish. Across the top is...

Celebration of rivers

Poster has a black background with white text. In the center is an image of man plyaing a saxophone with water coming out if it in the shape of a blue river with two fisth. Above reads, "Friends...

Suisun Tidal marsh Habitat

Poster has a light gray, yellow and blue map of the Suisun Bay and marsh land. The upper right has a color coded key of the areas. The upper left has "The Suisun Tidal Marsh Habitat" in large...

River in Crisis: Eel River Summit and 8th Anniversary Celebration

Poster has a background image of the Eel River with a man hiking along the banks. Over the background is white and yellow text. The top reads, "Join Friends of Eel River for an informed discussion...

The Good Energy Thanksgiving Ball

Poster is printed on light ran recycled paper with red ink. In the center is an imae of a turkey dancining with a Salmon. The top reads, "The Coastal Headwaters Association Presents/ The Good...

Big River Rally

`Poster has photograph of the Big River in morning light. At the top reads, "Big River Rally/ Learn how protection is only a few steps away. Join in a tribute to everyone who has sustained this...

Earthday (event)

Poster has a thin striped background with a cricle in the middle that has image of earth layers. Poster reads, "Earthday/ the Arcologies of Paolo Soleri/ Earthday Celebration at the University of...

9th Annual Greenpeace Concert

Poster had a dark green box in the center with white text and a small image of a whale and an elephant seal. Poster reads, "9th Annual Greenpeace Concert/ Benefit/ September 18th and 19th Noon to...

untitled (ecology flag)
c. 1970

Poster is printed like a flag in green. On the right and bottom are green and white horizontal stripes and in the upper left is a yellow circle with a line.Ron Cobb created an ecology symbol which...

Environment Day

Poster has a light blue and yellow image in the center with a representation of the Vitruvian man. Below reads, "Environment Day/ Sponsored by SUPERB Productions and Berkeley Students for the...

green festival

Poster has a photograph of two girls playing beneath a large windmill. Above reads, "green festival/ sustainable economy ecological balance social justice."On the right is a green background with...

Synergy: The Fourth Annual Sustainable Living Conference

Poster has a light blue background with a yellow geometric design along the left and outlines of a woman with children in black on the right. At the top is whtie text that reads, "Synergy/ The The...

Ecological Design: The Unstoppable Wave

Poster is white with red text. In the center is a red seashell. Poster reads, "The San Francisco Institute of Architecture/ Ecological Design: The Unstoppable Wave/ See "Eco Wave" at...

Siskiyou Spring Gathering

Poster has a background in different shades of green depicting a mountain range and pine trees. Across the top is "Siskiyou Spring Gathering." Below in white is "A weekend of dedication to Season...

2nd Annual Conference: Central California Environmental Justice Network

Poster has a light gray background with black text and green square design that have small black and white photographs of environmental issues. The left side has a small black text that begins, "...

Rachel Carson Forum

Poster has a background of butterflies and DNA strands. In the upper right is a black and whtie photo of a man. Poster has white text. It reads, "Rachel Carson Forum/ Dr. David Ehrnefeld/...

The Environmental Spirit

Poster is printed on light tan paper with red and black ink. At the top center is a large red circle that has "The Environmental Spirit/ Past present & prostpects" printed in white. Below is...

Twenty-first Annual Bay Area Envrionmental Education Resource Fair

Poster has a red backgroud at the bottom with black and white text. At the top half is a drawing of turtles in blue and green. In the center is large white lettering, "BAEER Fair 21/ The West's...

What A Small City Can Do To Help Restore The Earth: A Berkeley Gathering '98

Poster has an orange background with green and white text. In the center is an image of the Earth and images of a butterfly, owl, and seashell are faded into the background. Poster reads, "What a...

A Song of Creation

Poster has a blue, white and black background with a white text outlined in red. The background image is of the Earth and outer space, and towards the center is an image of a naked female figure...

EcoFest IV

Poster has a red background with red and white text. In the center is an image of steps leading up to a set of trees. Poster reads, "EcoFest IV/ A Community Celegration For The/ Sunday, April 26,...

Puget Sound - Olympic - Vancouver Island: Bioregional Rendezvous Feb. 26/27

Poster has a white background with black text. In the center is an image of a fist with a circle around it. The text around the image reads, " Earth First/ No compromise in the Defense of Mother...

Green Corps: Field School for Environmental Organizing

Poster has a black and white background with black text. In the center is an image of human figures on a green hill, framed by different animals including a whale, turtle, rhinoceros, and a...

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