offset lithograph

?Que tienes en contra de un condon?
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with a black and white photograph at center of a man''s face. he has curly hair. Text above and below photograph in Spanish with contact information related to the organization America...

Circa 1970

Poster with black and white photo of Dallas Cowboys player Jethro Pugh running on a football field, surrounded by other players. He is wearing number 75. Dallas Cowboys logo at bottom left. Quote...

Circa 1970

Poster with black and white photo of Dallas Cowboys player Rayfield Wright running on a football field, in front of another player with the ball. He is wearing number 70. Dallas Cowboys logo at...

Circa 1970

Poster with black and white photo of Dallas Cowboys player Roger Staubach running with a football. He is wearing number 12. A player from the Houston Oilers is reaching out for him. Dallas Cowboys...

Circa 1970

Poster with black and white photo of Dallas Cowboys player Bob Hayes running with a football. He is wearing number 22. A player from the Green Bay Packers is at left. Dallas Cowboys logo at bottom...

Circa 1970

Poster with black and white photo of Dallas Cowboys player Walk Garrison running with a football. He is wearing number 32. Other players and stadium in background. Dallas Cowboys logo at bottom...

Live the Dream. Say no to alcohol and drug abuse.
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with a black and white photograph of Martin Luther King, Jr. from the waist us, standing with arms folding in front of his body. At top left is a quotation from Dr. King. At bottom left of...

New Day
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with two simplified hands in black holding a red ball/circle shape. Background is a gradient of light blue at top to a darker blue at bottom. Text at bottom is black.

Steal This Urine Test
Circa 1987

Poster advertising the book "Steal This Urine Test" by Abbie Hoffman. Poster has a photograph of Abbie Hoffman wearing a red and white "Just Say No!" t-shirt and holding a jar with urine above his...

An Alternative To Futility: The Underground Church
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Ink drawing with black ink on white paper. Ink marks are abstract and look like tree branches. Superimposed text in red ink reads: "An Alternative To / Futility / The Underground Church"


Poster with round, red Coca Cola-like logo, but the text reads "Co-Caine" instead. Poster is square with a red circle at center, white background, and red border at edges.

AIDS Bike-a-thon 10

Poster advertising the AIDS Bike-a-thon 10, an event to raise money for Bay Area AIDS service organizations. Poster is orange with an illustration of a cyclist as seen from above. Logos for...

Dress for the occasion.

Poster from the San Francisco AIDS Foundation advocating the use of condom. Poster is a black and white photograph of a Caucasian male sitting, with legs open and a condom on his erect penis.

Drugs Can Stunt Your Growth.
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster from the Partnership for a Drug-Free California advertising a booklet titled "Drugs Don''t Work." Poster is white with black text and a black line graph where the line starts at the upper...

We're Taking A Whole New Look At The Casual Drug User.

Poster for the Maricopa County Demand Reduction Program warning about tougher drug laws with felony charges and jail time. Poster is black with white block text at top and a black and white...

Mr. Camel's Lumps

Poster with an illustration of a Camel-like box of cigarettes, but instead they are called "Mr. Camel''s Lumps." Image on cigarette box is a camel in a suit, holding cigarettes and standing near a...

We're Taking A Whole New Look At The Casual Drug User.

Poster for the Maricopa County Demand Reduction Program warning about tougher drug laws with felony charges and jail time. Poster is black with white block text at top and a black and white...

Drugs Leave An Impression That Lasts A Lifetime.

Poster for the Maricopa County Demand Reduction Program warning about tougher drug laws with felony charges and jail time. Poster is black with white block text at top and a black and white...

What the casual drug user will be wearing this season.

Poster for the Maricopa County Demand Reduction Program warning about tougher drug laws with felony charges and jail time. Poster is black with white block text at top and a black and white...

Think Twice Before You Speed
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with a black and white photograph of a man from the torso up. At the top of the image, paint, matches, tin foil, a car battery, and a spray paint cannister are pouring into the cut off top...

It's amazing how Dave's car broke down for the fifth straight Monday.
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster from the Partnershiup for a Drug-Free California with information about ordering a free guide titled "Drugs Don''t Work in Your Workplace." Poster is white with black text and a black and...

We Remember Our Co-workers Who Have Died of AIDS.
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with color photograph of a quilt made my Chevron employees in honor of their coworkers who died from AIDS. Quilt is black with 24 small squares (one per person) and a larger central square...

How Many Of You Have Had Sex?
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster divided into three sections. Top section has a black and white photograph of several teenages, each with a hand/arm up. Text in red above reads: "How many of you have had sex?" In the next...

There's strength in our numbers
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Black and white poster with a large photograph of two men in sleeveless shirts hugging. Text above in black box reads: "There''s strength in our numbers." Stop AIDS Project logo at bottom right....

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