offset lithograph

Reunion '92

Poster has a black background with gray and red text. In the center is a colored photograph of two veterans in front of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, facing away from the camera. Poster reads, "...

One Wall Is Enough
c. 1982

Poster has a black background with large white text. Several names listed in white text, each separated by a bullet. Names include: Steve Baer and Tee D Amelse on the top line, Dobie Smith and Tom...

F-104 Starfighter

Poster has a large photograph of a military fighter jet sitting on a wet runway. In the sky is are clouds and a rainbow. The bottom left corner of the photo has "F-104 Starfighter" printed in...

Aerospace Defense Command Pilot

Poster is a photograph of a pilot in the cockpit of a fighter jet. He is wearing a white helmet with an orange jumpsuit and a face mask. The bottom left corner has "Aerospace Defense Command Pilot...

ADC Space Tracker

Poster is a photograph of an evening sky that is in shades of orange with a black sillhouette of a satellite dish and trees. The bottom left corner has "ADC Space Tracker" printed in black.

Mission Completed

Poster is a photograph of the sillhouettes of a man standing under the large nose of a fight jet. On the horizon are dark clouds with a yellow/orange sky. The right has the front of a truck. The...

Friendly - B-57 Canberra

Poster is a photograph of an Air Force plane flying over land. On the horizon is a hill with two white antennas. The plane is silver with orange trim. The bottom left corner has "Friendly - B-57...

Untitled (United States Army helicopter)

Poster has a blue and white background. In the center is an image of soldiers in a brown United States Army helicopter flying ovver foggy terrain. On the tail of the helicopter are the numbers...

F-101 Voodoo

Poster is a photograph of a military jet flying in the sky. Below it are clouds and a blue sky. The lower left corner has "F-101 Voodoo" printed in black.

F-106s Over Mount Rainier

Poster is a photograph of four jets flying over the snow and rocky surface of Mount Rainier. The jest are all silver and lined up. The bottom left corner has "F-106s Over Mount Rainier."

F-104 Starfighter

Poster is a photograph of two fighter jets flying in the sky. The sky is in shades of orange and yellow with dark gray clouds below. The left corner has F-104 Starfighter" printed in black.

Bomarc On Alert

Poster is a photograph of a missile sitting on a frame and pointing into the sky. The sky is blue with white clouds along the left. The bottom left corner has "Bomarc On Alert."

Aerospace Defense Command Control Center

Poster is a photograph of several men sitting in front of a control panel. In front of them is radar, computer screens, and radios. The bottom left corner has "Aerospace Defense Command Center"...

Artic Radar- Thule BMEWS

Poster is a photograph of a grid structure and radar as seen through a hold in ice and snow. Surround the structure is snow. On the horizaon is the sun.

Village Near Marble Mountain
c. 1970

Poster has a drawing of a South East Asian village with pam trees and mountains on the horizon. In the foreground are soldiers and barbed wire blocking off the road. The bottom right edge has "...

Walking Wounded
c. 1970

Poster has a drawing of two soldiers sitting on a bed with a tent wall behind them The soldier on the left has his hand wrapped in white bandages. The soldier on the right has his head and arm...

Hue During Tet Offensive '68
c. 1970

Poster has a drawing of three soldiers in combat gear standing around a brick wall. In the background is a window with bars. The bottom left edge has "Hue During the Tet Offensive '68 Corpral...

Tanker's Friendly Towing Service
c. 1970

Poster has a drawing of a large gray tank with a towing hook at the top. In the background are buildings and barbed wire. The image is drawing in muted gray and brown tones. The bottom left has "...

Untitled (United States Army helicopter)

Poster has a white and blue background. In the center is an image of soldiers in a green United States Army helicopter flying over green fields with trees. Bottom left of image reads, "Drew...

Smoke Break

Poster has a large white border with a drawing of three marines sharing a cigarette. The man in the middle has a gun on his back. The background is a light gray sky with clouds. The lower left has...

Checking I.D. Cards, Cua Viet
c. 1970

Poster has a large white border with a drawing of two marines in green fatigues. The center man is holding and looking at a small white card. The lower right has a small boy eating a candy with a...

County Fair
c. 1970

Poster has a large white border around a slightly abstract drawing people bending over food pots.The woman in the center is wearing a white jacket and hat. The lower left has "County Fair Captain...

Resupply at "The Strip"
c. 1970

Poster has a large white border around a drawing of several soldiers standing on top of a tank. The trank is traveling uphill. The upper left has a helicopter hovering over and lowering a pallet...

c. 1970

Poster has a large white border around a drawing of marines in combat gear holding guns running up a hill. Around them are bushes and trees in shades of green and gray. The lower left has "Pursuit...

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