offset lithograph

Support the GI's & Vets march for peace

Poster is printed on light yellow paper with blue and red text and image. In the center is a photog of a soldier holding the head of another soldier who has his eyes closed. It is borded by small...

Out of Southeast Asia Now!

Poster has a large purple fist holding a green branch on the left. In the fist is "Student Strike Nov 3" printed in white. Poster reads, "Out of Southeast Asia Now!/ Moratorium Oct. 13/ March...

25 Years After: No More Hiroshimas: No More Nagasakis

Poster has a black background with a white mushroom cloud in the top center. Below the cloud is :25 Years After" printed in green. Poster reads, "No more Hiroshimas/ No more Nagasakis/ Anywhere in...

International Days of Concern Sept. 17-23, 1973

Poster is printed on gray paper with black text and image. In the center is a face of a person looking through four bars. Poster reads, "Pres. Thieu holds 200,000 civilans in prison/ Buddhists,...

Independence Day Celebration
c. 1970

Poster has a black arch in the center with an image of Richard Nixon's head peeking over a crowd of small protestors. Under the image is "Under no circumstances will I be affected by...

Demonstrate! Come to Washington D.C. July 1-4

Poster is printed on newsprint with a red background. In the upper left is an image of the Capital building and in the lower right is an image of protestors marching in black and white. In the...

Stop the War machine!

Poster has a cartoon drawing of a military general with medals and bullets and guns attached to his jacket. The top right has two large gun barrels. On the right is "Stop the war machine!/ Mayday...

Resist the draft

Poster has a blue drawing of the Statue of Liberty in the center. She is making a peace sign and holding a burning draft card. Above is a banner with "Resist the Draft" in red. Below is another...

Stop the Bombing U.S. Out of S.E. Asia Now

Poster has a black and white photograph of a woman crying with a young boy on her back in the center. Poster reads, "Stop the Bombing U.S. Out of S.E. Asia Now/ March & Rally Sat. Jan 20th, S....

A Benefit for the Philadelphia Resistance presents: Country Joe & The Fish

Poster has light blue water at the top and yellow sand background at the bottom. In the cneter are two fish swimming around a fish hook with a work. In the eyes and the mouths of the fish are...

Spring Mobilization: march to end the war in Vietnam

Poster has a circle in the center that is half blue with the outline of a dove in white. Poster reads in blue, "Spring Mobilization/ March to end the war in Vietnam/ April 15 10 A.M./ Montgomery...

march April 24 San Francisco Wash. DC

Poster has a black and white photo at the top of a crowd of people holding signs protesting the war. Below reads, "March April 24 San Francisco Wash. DC Bring All the GI's Home Now."

Whose side are you on theirs of Nixon's?

Poster has a turquoise background with white text. At the top center is a black and white photograph of soldiers, one has a guitar slung over his shoulder. Poster reads, "Whose side are you on...

March April 24 San Francisco, Wash. DC

Poster has a black and white photo at the top of a military helicopter flying in front of smoke and a tank. In the lower right of the photo is "Waiting for Nixon to end the war? Don't hold your...

Tie his Hands: Join the SMC

Poster has a green background with a blue and white drawing in the center. The drawing depicts Richard Nixon as a giant being tied down by small people with ropes and protest signs. Poster reads...

March on Washington: April 24

Poster has a red bacgkground with a black image of a soldier walking with a sign that reads, "Peace for Vietnam." Poster has white and black text. It reads, "March on Washington/ bring all the GI'...

When women decide this war should end, this war will end.

Poster has a black background with a black and white photo in the center of several women shouting and raising their fists. Poster has yellow and white text. It reads, "When women decide this war...

Bring our carnales home now!

Poster is printed on light green paper and has a black photograph in the center of people protesting. They are raising their fists and holding signs. Poster reads in black, "Bring our carnales...

Draft Registration?
c. 1970

Poster has a gold background with black text. To the right is the image of Uncle Sam [Montgomery Flagg's recruitment poster] and a man and in the background is an image of a family. Poster reads...

Americans! Stop the War! Pentagon-Nixon Lie

Poster has a thin red border with an image of Uncle Sam in the center with a round thin blue border. Poster reads, "Americans! Stop the war! Pentagon-Nixon Lie" around the center image. Below are...

Poetry Benefit

Poster has a black and white background of a field with soldiers running along the top. Over the background is dark red lettering screenprinted. Poster reads, "Poetry Benefitt for October 14...

Back up Vermont's 8,000! Give....USO
c. 1970

Poster has a black and white photograph of soldiers marching in rows holding rifles. In the lower left is a single soldier accented by a black circle background. Below in red is, "Back up Vermont'...

Contemporary Problems

Poster has various drawings overall. The upper left corner has "Contemporary Problems" printed in black. The images from top left: a man and a woman sitting on grass smoking marijuana; a city...

Denocarlo Naval Base - Muir Beach concert

Poster is printed on light yellow paper with blue ink. Poster has an image of a soldier on the right saluting. He has two speech bubbles, the left reads, "It's a chance to serve your country!!'...

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