offset lithograph

International Student Strike April 26, 1968
student mobilzer
Mayday: Mayday
May Day: Make a People's Peace downtown San Francisco all day May 5th
March on Washington & San Francisco
National student moratorium: May 5th
The Street Wall Journal
Imperialism: Aggression Abroad, Oppression at Home
International Day of Concern
March because you hate the war: Day of Unacceptance
Vietnam Moratorium
Youth walks for survival
Oct. 13 Moratorium: Stop the war
Exorcise the pentagon
The Vietnam War Continues March, 1969
Exorcise your Pentagon
Support our men in Vietnam
March on Washington to bring the troops home now!
the fight for at home!
Out Now: November 6, 1971
March against death : march on Washington
Nov. 6: Set the dates to end war poverty & oppression
How many more must die?
Would you buy a used war from this man?
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