offset lithograph

March to bring all the troops home now

Poster has a black and white image of a young girl with long hair wrapped in a United States flag. Above the image in red is "March." Below reads, "to bring all the troops home now. San Francisco...

The Vietnam War Continues September 1969

Poster has a white background with large red and green text. Poster reads, "The Vietnam War Continues/ September 1969:/ 44, 798 American soldiers are dead/ 93,738 Saigon Government soldiers are...

Yes on W for a just peace

Poster is a rectangle with a bright blue background. Across the center is large bright orange lettering that reads, "Yes on W." Below in white is "For a just peace."This was a San Francisco ballot...

March on Washington November 15

Poster has a white background with red and blue text.There is a large image of a hand making the peace sign. Poster reads, "March on Washington November 15./ End the War./ Get Out Now!" In smaller...


Poster has a green background with large white text. In the center is an image of an American flag with two stripes being held on by one light-skinned hand and one dark-skinned hand. Poster reads...

National Hispanic Heritage Month

Poster has a brown background with white text. Main image is of an art piece entitled, "Hispanic Vision 'Future challenges and Opportunities'." At the top of the artwork are six different images;...

Chicano Moratorium Day

Poster printed with black and red ink on tan paper. The upper half of the page contains a reproduction of an artwork by Ester Hernandez titled "Tejido de los Desaparecidos." The image shows a...

Tierra Y Libertad

Poster printed with red and black ink on tan paper. "Build for the 1980 Chicano Moratorium" is printed at top above a graphic of two women, two men, and a child under a banner that reads, "Tierra...

The 1980 Chicano Moratorium National Unity Organizing Conference

Poster printed with black ink on tan paper. An image of a crowd of people marching and holding signs appears at top below "AZTLAN" in large font. A circular graphic at top left reads, "Chicano...

National Unemployed Congress
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with black ink on tan paper. A hand drawn geometric border is printed around the outside of the page. A photograph of a man with a mustache wearing a suit appears at left. The...

Semana de la Raza

Poster printed with black text and red and blue graphics on white paper. Text at top reads, "Campana de Auto Defensa y Participacion Ciudadana / No Taxation Without Representation and Benefits...

Support the Chicano-Mejicano Struggle
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with black ink on orange paper. "Support the Chicano-Mejicano Struggle" is printed at top left. A graphic appears across the bottom and right side of the page. Some of the...

460 Years of Chicano History
Summer Sessions, What does it mean to be Chicano?
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Multicolor poster printed on white paper has two purple bands across the top and bottom of the page with yellow text. "Summer Sessions" appears at top and "" with contact...

Center for Latino Policy Research Presents...Spring 2005 Seminar Series

Double sided poster. One side has an overall light purple background with an image of the stone carved Aztec Calendar at center right partially overlaid with a large dark purple circle at center...

El Centro de la Raza, Donate
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with orange and black ink on white paper. "El Centro de la Raza" is printed across the top of the page. A portrait photograph of a young boy fills the left side of the page. A...

Latinos y Latinas en Minnesota

Multi-color poster contains information on Mexican migrant workers in Minnesota including three paragraphs of text, a pie chart of Latino/Hispanic census statistics, historical black and white...

El Progreso Chicano
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with black ink on tan paper with rounded corners. A graphic of a shackled hand with broken chains at each side appears within a circle at center. Hardware appears at top, bottom,...

Marcha Nacional Sabado 13 de Enero
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with black ink on white paper. "Marcha Nacional Sabado Medio Dia 13 de Enero Moody Park" printed at top. A graphic of an angry crowd of people with a banner that reads, "Justice...

Portrait of New Mexican History

Poster printed with black, red, yellow, green, and blue ink on white paper. Twelve black portrait drawings of men in circular borders are printed around the sides of the page. "Portraits of New...

Chicano Moratorium Day Commemoration

Poster printed with pink and black ink on white paper. A pink and black portrait photograph of a man's eyes , nose, and mustachioed upper lip is printed on the top third of the page. Text below...

La Voz del Pueblo Grita "iBarlow Fue Asesinado!"

Black and white poster contains a graphic of two people and a large skull at center with "BARLOW" in large font at bottom left and "Facismo" in small font at bottom right. Text at top reads, "...

Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster shows a semi- abstract image of a purple volcano with multicolor geometric patterns erupting on a green background. Text at top reads, "Viva Mexico / Dia de la Independencia /...

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