

Depiction: A young man, a student, stands on the balcony of Eschelman Hall and holds his arms up in the air as he yells at National Guardsmen below. Three more men stand in the doorway behind him...


Photo depicts: A man and woman run through a huge, thick cloud of gas on the UC Berkeley campus. They run past a bike rack.


Photo depicts: Two women run to avoid a cloud of gas moving toward them on the UC Berkeley campus. A young man rides a bike away from the gas. A police officer is seen in the corner of the photo...


Photo depicts: A long line of National Guard soldiers hold their guns aimed at a crowd of people who have filled a street intersection and are keeping them from moving forward.


Photo depicts: View is over the back of a police officer who has just struck a blow at a student who is seem staggering. The officer has an arm up and the student has one fist up. A crowd of...


Depiction: View is from on top a hill on a Berkley campus stretch of lawn. It looks down into a large crowd of people winding around the edge of the edge of the lawn who are watching a man...


Photo depicts: Twenty or more National Guard soldiers are walking with guns out in front of them, clearing a UC Berkeley stairway. A male student sits stubbornly on the stairs with his legs...


Photo depicts: Two police officers arrest a student for assaulting a National Guard soldier according to notes on the back of the photo. The officers are seen handcuffing the student on the ground...


Photo depicts: A man is walking while holding a large white bandage to his head. Medics walk on each side of him, one wears a white coat. They are walking down the middle of a street and into a...


Photo depicts: A long line of National Guard troops walk down a Berkeley street forcing a crowd of students to move. The soldiers walk with rifles held straight out in front of them.


Photo depicts: A young white police officer sits and leans back on the Sproul Hall Administration building steps in the sun. He leans back on his arms with his legs out stretched. He has taken off...


Photo depicts: Scene is from back of police officer who is holding out a baton and forcing a crowd of mostly young white men disperse. They are in the middle of a street.


Photo depicts: A man in a hardhat stands in the middle of a Berkeley street and directs traffic. Students line the sidewalk on the edge of campus.


Photo depicts: A police officer dressed in full riot gear and holding a baton has grabbed a hold of a young man's denim jacket and is pulling at him. The struggle is along a sidewalk in front of...


Photo depicts: A police officer dressed in full riot gear is ducking rocks being thrown by a man who refused to leave Sproul Square when asked by the officer. Another officer is being approached...


Photo depicts: A large group of students are marching across the UC Berkeley campus on their way to Berkeley Courts according to notes on the back of the photo. They are carrying a solid colored...


Photo depicts: A young white man lays on the ground behind a very short wall at Sproul Square at UC Berkeley. Notes on the back of the photo say he is seeking protection. He is propped up on one...


Photo depicts: A large group of students stand behind a police barricade at the corner of Telegraph and Bancroft according to photo notes. Students fill the street and stare at police. According...


Photo depicts: A police officer seems to be ducking at something being thrown as he is crouched and walking. A woman hurries past behind him and a crowd has gathered in the corner of the photo...


Photo depicts: Police officers holding batons and wearing face sheilds stand in front of Sproul Hall on the UC Berkeley campus. A small crowd of mostly men stand far behind them.


Photo depicts: A large crowd of people walk down Dana on their way to Berkeley Courts, according to notes on the back of the photo. Yong men and women fill the streets. There are African-American...


Photo depicts: Alameda County Sheriffs march into Sproul Square dressed in jumpsuits, wearing face shields and carrying their batons. A very large crowd has amassed behind them.


Photo depicts: Eight young man are seen picking up and throwing stones in Sproul Square on the UC Berkeley campus. According to a note on the back of the ohoto they are throwing the rocks at...


Photo depicts: A young African-American man stands at the forefront of a crowd, hurdling a gas canister back at police. Two men stand beside him with gas masks on. A crowd of young men are...

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