offset lithograph

Beruit Septiembre 1982
untitled (red triangle and open white circle)
End 20 Years of Israeli Occupation
Spring in the Yugoslavia Republic, 1999
Victory for the Palestinian People! A Victory for the People of the World!
Being Jewish is Not the Same as Being Zionist!
Killing and Destruction in Gaza Paid for by out Tax $, End the Occupation, Stop U.S. Aid to Israel
Free Palestine, Support the Right of Return
Occupation: Wrong in Iraq, Wrong in Palestine
Speak Out for Silent Soviet Jewry, Let My People Go
Genocide in Tibet
Tibetan Calendar, 2104 Fire-Serpent Year 1977
untitled (soldiers in red)
untitled (bow and arrow pointing at dove)
Celebrate 34
No More Scapegoats!
End the Occupation, Justice for Palestine!
Stop U.S. Aid to Israel
End the Occupation, Justice for Palestine!
Palestine for the Palestinians!
Palestinian Resistance Palestinienne
Friendship Worked Then, It Can Work Now
May 1st
Opening an Outsider Door
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