offset lithograph

Mons. Oscar A. Romero: Archbishop of San Salvador, August 15, 1917-March 24, 1980
5th Anniversary St. Oscar Romero: Sunday, March 24, 1985
Share This Season of Peace with the People of El Salvador
No Vietnam War in El Salvador and Central America
Unity & Struggle: 6 Years of Solidarity with Chile
Nicaragua: No Pasaran [they will not enter]
U.S. Out of El Salvador
No Pasaran! [They will not enter]
Fernando Cardenal S.J.
Thou Shalt Not Kill!
The Legacy of Debt and Destruction
Boycott Chilean Products
Stop the Bombing of Civilians in El Salvador
In Solidarity with the People of El Salvador
Support the Chilean Peoples Struggle, Boycott the Junta Now
La Paz Y La Justicia: Peace With Justice
Stop The Bombing Of El Salvador
Nicaragua Imagenes
Nicaragua Imagenes
Chile: Primer Encuentro Cultural en el Exilio [First conference in exile]
Chile From Within
Viva FSLN - Sandino Lives
The Battle of Chile
Benefit Concert for Chile Democratico & El Tecolote: "Los Folkloristas"
© 2024 Oakland Museum of California