offset lithograph


Poster with a woodcut style illustration of Ben Fletcher with white lines on blue background. White text about Fletcher to the left and right.

Frank H. Little

Poster with woodcut style illustration of Frank H Little, wearing a suit with arms cross. A cat sits near his should, and farms and factories are in the background.


Poster with illustration of Lucia Gonzalez de Parsons in woodcut style, white lines on purple background. Text in white in Spanish. Parsons is holding a pamphlet for the Industrial Workers of...

Mammoth Rally
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster advertising Gerald L. K. Smith as a speaker for the Christian Nationalist Crusade at an event in Los Angeles. Poster is white with a black, white, and red horizontal bands across top. Below...

Forward to Chicago

Poster for the Revolutionary Young League and a conference in Chicago. Poster has an illustration with young people wearing RYL berets breaking the chains of no jobs, bad education, drugs, police...

Chairman Mao Tse-tung
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with a black and white photograph of Mao Tse-Tung wearing military outfit and clapping his hands. Wide white border, and text at bottom center in border.

Fed Up? Vote Communist!
Circa 1968

Campaign poster for Charlene Mitchell and Mike Zagarell for office for the Communist Party. Poster has a black and white photo of the candidate with green block text at to pand bottom.

We Must Have Order
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with a pyramid shaped illustration with weathy people and luxuries at top and dying workers/third world at base. Text at bottom in black talks about supporting the revolutionary freedom...

Bay Area Socialist School
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with a map of the San Francisco Bay area. Over the center is a sun shape with yellow rays and a photograph in center in purple with a crowd of people. Text is in purple. Verso is the same...

Vote Agnos!
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Campaign poster for Art Agnos for Mayor of San Francisco. Poster is red with white text, a white start at center, and two horizontal blue stripes across the center.

Class consciousness is knowing which side of the fence you're on.

Poster with a grainy photo of a woman leaning on a wooden fence. Text above and below reads: "Class consciousness is knowing which side of the fence you''re on. Class analysis is figuring out who...

Mary King
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster to elect Mary King for the office of mayor. (City not specificied.) Poster has a border with red, teal, and white dashes. Bottom of poster has a red silhoutte of a skyline with teal sky...

Celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement!
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with blue and red illustrations of Karl Marx, Mikhail Bakunin (?), Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, and Mao Tsetung with a globe behind their heads. Text in yellow below in English and...

Art Agnos for Mayor
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Political poster for candidate Art Agnos running for mayor. Poster has white text on dark blue background, with two red stripes on either side of "for"

Theses on the Commune
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with black text on white paper with 13 theses on the commune listed in three columns. The first column has a map, the scond a photo of Stalin Square in Budapest with the head of a Stalin...

Eugene V. Debs
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with black and white photograph of Eugene V. Debs, clapping his hands with mouth wide open. Text above in blue is a quotation about the master class versus the subject class. Below in blue...

Mao Tsetung Memorial
Circa 1979

Poster advertising the Mao Tsetung Memorial with a black and white photo of Mao at bottom left, and yellow and red wavy bands of color across poster. Text at right describes Mao as a great...

[Hand holding red book]

Poster on newsprint with black and white photograph of an arm in a crowd with a colorized red book in hand. Verso is a spread from Good Times Newspaper, October 2, 1969 / Volume II No. 38, pages 4...


Poster advertising the draft programme of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. Poster is arranged in horizontal bands of color starting with black at top with yellow text, red with silhouettes...


Poster on newsprint titled "Avenge the Murder of the CWP 5!" with information about marches. Image in top half has a man in overall using a rifle butt to bash a man with a hat that...

Industrial Workers of the World Charter
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with a facsimile of an Industrial Workers of the World Charter. Poster is black and white with text at bottom with address for Labor Archives and Research Center at San Francisco State...

Emma Goldman

Poster with a sketch in red of Emma Goldman at center on a taupe background. Below is a quote from Emma Goldman and text about commemorating Goldman 50 years after her death.

Emma Goldman
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster with an image of Emma Goldman at center in yellow, behind bards. Background is a collage of her papers, which were published by the University of California Berkeley. Text in orange about...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black ink printed on white paper. At the top is a stylized image of a figure with a tape recorder for a brain sitting in a chair next to a "memory" bag and speaking into a microphone....

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