offset lithograph

untitled (naked female figure menstrating)

Poster printed with red and black ink on off-white paper. An image of a nude woman sitting with her knees bent in front of her fills the page. The woman is shown menstruating, with the blood...

International Women's Day
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Black and white poster shows an image of a group of men and women standing together at center on the page. Four women in the front of the group each hold one arm raised in a fist. The photo...

No Justice, No Peace

Black and white poster shows drawing of three men standing together. The men at right and left are seen in profile and both are wearing jackets and glasses. The man on the right also wears a cap...


Poster printed with black ink on red paper. "Harambee" is printed in a wavy line at top above a figure in a graduation cap and gown leading a child by the hand that is carrying a book and pencils...

Attention, Move! This is America!
c. 1987

Poster printed with black and red ink on white paper. "Attention, Move! This is America!" is printed at top in an angular-style font. Smaller text at upper right continues, "by Margot Harry / A...

March against Genocide

Poster printed with black ink on yellow paper. Text at top reads, "We will no longer stand aside and look while they kill and imprison African people!" Just below, a photograph of men in...

Black Power is Back!

Poster printed with black ink on pale yellow paper. Large text at top in a black band reads, "Black Power is Back!" Below, two arms with raised fists appear at either side of the page. The left...

Stop the Legal Lynching

Poster printed with black and red ink on white paper. Text at top reads, "Stop the Legal Lynching / Let the Evidence Be Heard / Massive Nonviolent Civil Disobedience." A photograph of Mumia Abu-...

Festival de las Americas

Multi-color poster shows the land region of South America on a blue background. Multiple small pictures appear across the land and major cities are noted. A woman with dark hair wearing a red...

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with black and red ink on white paper. Large white text at top in a red band reads, "FREE MUMIA ABU-JAMAL!" "STOP THE EXECUTION! OVERTURN THE CONVICTION!" is printed in smaller...

The Black Panthers

Poster printed with black ink on yellow paper. Text in a black band across the top of the page reads, "The Graduate Assembly presents its Distinguished Lecturer of Color Series: 'From Generation...

The Black Panther Manifesto

Black and white poster shows an image of a man strapped in an electric chair at upper right with the caption, "1970 Political Prisoner New Haven, Conn. Bobby Seale Chairman B.P.P." Text within a...

Peace & Freedom Thru Nonviolent Action
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Black and white poster has a single line page border that incorporates the word "WIN" at top left. Small text above the border at top center reads, "Peace & Freedom Thru Nonviolent Action."...

American Dream, Immigrant Reality

Poster printed with black, brown, and green ink on pale brown paper. A light brown map of the border between the United States and Mexico with the two countries divided at top and bottom on the...

Carnaval Tropical

Multi-color poster shows a female figure standing with her arms outstretched on a purple background. The woman is wearing a blue and yellow short skirt and bra top with small geometric...

Gender, Sexualities and the State: A Hispanic/Latino Context

Poster printed with black, red, and pink ink on off-white paper. Red text at top reads, "Gender, Sexualities and the State: A Hispanic/Latino Context" and continues in smaller black font, "...

A Night of Chican@ Love, Culture, Revolution and Resistance
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Multi-color poster has a page background with green at top and bottom and yellow in the center. Text at top reads, "As part of Semana de la Raza, U.C. Berkeley's Xican@ Culture Working Group...

Heaven and Earth

Multi-color poster with printing on both sides features a reproduction of the 1991 artwork "Heaven and Earth" by Frank Tuttle. A black and white drawing of four figures appear at top above a...

Lighting Up, #4
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Multi-color poster with printing on both sides features a reproduction of the 1991 artwork "Lighting Up, #4" by Jean LaMarr. Two women wrapped in patterned cloth appear in profile at center...

They Think They Own the Place

Multi-color poster with printing on both sides features a reproduction of the 1992 artwork "They Think They Own the Place" by Brian Tripp. Two large dollar symbols in gold and silver foil appear...

Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with black, blue, and yellow ink on white paper. The page has an overall black background with a graphic of the Earth that has an open mouth with white teeth. Small white text at...

c. 1969

Poster on white paper is printed with blue ink at right and left that transitions to red and then yellow at center. A mountain landscape with water in the distance fills the page. A sun with an...

Third World Strike, 20th Anniversary: 1969-1989

Poster printed with black and red ink on light gray paper. "Third World Strike / 20th Anniversary: 1969-1989" is printed at top above a collage of photographs showing scenes of student protest....

Ethnic Cleansing

Multi-color poster shows an image of a frowning judge with a gavel at top center. The figure appears on a red background with wavy lines around the figure's shoulders. A yellow oval behind the...

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