offset lithograph

Louise Michel

Poster is bounded by a thin purple line with rounded corners. The top of the poster has a black and white photograph of a woman from the neck up. The woman has dark hair and is looking off to her...

untitled (Egyptian queen statues)

Poster has an image of two stone statues in the center with a brown background. Below the image is "Queen Meresankh III with her Mother Hetepheres II, Egyptian." Below is a poem: "Like a feather...

untitled (earth held up by a goddess)

Poster has a turquoise background with small white dots. In the center is a drawing of an egyptian goddess with a lion's head holding up the earth with flames. Around the earth are two cresent...

untitled (The Daybreak poem)

Poster has a drawing along the left side of the deity Monju-bosatsu riding on the bakc of a lion. Around her is a man and a woman. the lower right corner has "Monju-bosatsu, personification of...

untitled (Margaret Atwood poem)

Poster has an image of a bas releif with a woman's head holding wheat stalks in each hand. The top edge of the bas relief is scalloped. Below is "Last year I abstained without guilt/ This year I...

untitled (bronze statue from Nigeria)

Poster has a dark brown background with an image of a bronze statue with breasts in the center. The upper right has a poem. It reads, "If you do not come aprt like bread in her hands, whe fails...

untitled (Sappho poem)

Poster has a drawing of two women in patterned dresses siggin on stools. They are passing a large goblet between them. The lower left has a caption that reads, "Cretan women sharing a goblet of...

Invocation to Markut, the bird of heaven

Poster is printed in light tan paper with brown text and images. Along the bottom are two figures that have lion like bodies with large wings and human like heads and breasts. Above is a poem. It...

unitlted (Sappho poem)

Poster has a turquoise drawing in the center of a woman shooting a bow and arrow. Behind her is a crescent shaped moon. On the left is a poem. It reads, "Awed by her splendor/ Stars near the...

untitled (Adolph Hitler quote) "The streets of our country are in turmoil..."

Poster has a red background with white text. Below the text is a small upside down United States Flag. The poster reads, "The streets of our country are in turmoil. The Universities are filled...

untitled (Statue of Liberty behind bars)
ca 1970

Poster has a black drawing of the Statue of Liberty grasping two stripes of the United States Flag. The flag is drawn sideways on the poster making the stripes appear as jail cell bars. The blue...

untitled (Adolph Hitler quote) "The streets of our country are in turmoil..."

Poster has a red background with white text. Below the text is a small United States Flag. The poster reads, "The streets of our country are in turmoil. The Universities are filled with students...

Our Napalm
ca 1968

Poster has a thin white border overall. Poster is printed with a black and white photograph overall. The photograph shows a young boy from the waist up. The face, neck, and chest of the boy are...

I Can Hold Neither a Dove Nor a Hawk In My Hand
ca 1968

Background of poster is a black and white photograph, the right side of the photograph shows a young boy missing the hand and forearm of his right arm with a bandage covering his elbow, he is...

Untitled (photograph of Vietnamese children)
ca 1972

Poster has a black and white photograph overall of a group of Asian children standing on a street. Most of the children are young girls in dark baggy pants and white or light colored shirts. Most...


Poster has a photographic reproduction of a painting overall. The image shows a landscape of green hills covered in orange and blue flower at left and in the foreground. These hills slope down...

Bach Mai Hospital Relief Fund
ca 1973

Poster has a red background overall. Top of poster has a red and black stylized reproduction of a torn photograph that seems to show a destroyed building. From the tear a drawing in black and...

Talk is Cheap
c 1967

Poster has a black background overall. Top of the poster has text in blue: "Talk is cheap. The war is / not over until all the GI's / are brought home alive.". Below the poster has stylized...

Talk is Cheap
c 1967

Poster has a black background overall. Top of the poster has text in blue: "Talk is cheap. The war is / not over until all the GI's / are brought home alive.". Below the poster has stylized...

"I Think We Won."

Bottom edge of poster has a white border with the text: "I Think We Won.". The rest of the poster has a stylized drawing or cartoon overall. In the foreground of the drawing is a stylized image of...

Blessed Are The Peace Makers

Poster has a collage at center. The collage is bounded on it top and bottom edge by a row of three, blue, five-pointed stars. The top of the collage has the text: "Blessed are the peace", a...

In Every Government on Earth There is Some Trace of Human Weakness...

Poster has a collage overall. The top half of the poster has a photographic image or movie still showing a large room full of costumed figures lying on the floor. The Background of the bottom half...

No Christmas-as-usual
c 1969

Top of poster has a red rectangle with the white text: "No Christmas-as-usual". Below the poster has a photograph of a large cemetery with numerous identical tombstones. One of these...

Peace (Wishbone)
c 2000

Center of poster has the text: "PE" and "CE" directly between these two instances of text is an image of a wishbone.

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