offset lithograph

Louise Michel
untitled (Egyptian queen statues)
untitled (earth held up by a goddess)
untitled (The Daybreak poem)
untitled (Margaret Atwood poem)
untitled (bronze statue from Nigeria)
untitled (Sappho poem)
Invocation to Markut, the bird of heaven
unitlted (Sappho poem)
untitled (Adolph Hitler quote) "The streets of our country are in turmoil..."
untitled (Statue of Liberty behind bars)
untitled (Adolph Hitler quote) "The streets of our country are in turmoil..."
Our Napalm
I Can Hold Neither a Dove Nor a Hawk In My Hand
Untitled (photograph of Vietnamese children)
Bach Mai Hospital Relief Fund
Talk is Cheap
Talk is Cheap
"I Think We Won."
Blessed Are The Peace Makers
In Every Government on Earth There is Some Trace of Human Weakness...
No Christmas-as-usual
Peace (Wishbone)
© 2024 Oakland Museum of California