offset lithograph

Vietnamese cultural night
untitled (Ngo Vinh Long poem with image)
The enemy advances, we retreat
War is not healthy for children and other living things
Vietnamese women: from a slave's slave to a revolutionary
The Republic to Reconstruct
Stop the Killing!
Thanksgiving - A Day of Peace and Celebration of Alliances
Don't Bank on Amerika
A World Awash with Fascism & Fear
The Professional Soldier's Prayer
What Lt. [Lieutenant] Calley Might Say
Peace on earth good will towards all people
E Pluribus Sickness
untitled (gun in a cage)
untitled (snapshots)
No More Vietnams or Hiroshimas
It will be a great day when our schools get all the money they need
No War Toys
Six Million Victims: The human cost of the Indochina War under President Nixon
Have mercy on us
untitled (dan berrigan quote)
Indochina Information Project
Mankind Must Put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind
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