offset lithograph

Sunday May 1 March by the U.N. Rally in Central Park
c. 2003

Poster has a color image in the top half and a black and white imae at the bottom. The top depicts a blue sky with the top of green tree. Below is a black and white image of the bottom of a...

Iraq: Reports from the Frontlines: A Herb Caen San Francisco Chronicle Lecture

Poster has a photograph at the top of tank and several cars around it. The image appears as though it is through a scope and is shaded in pink. Above the image is "Iraq: Reports from the...

Fighting Back: a beneift for the Lynne Steward Defense Committee

Poster has a dark blue background with white and red text. Along the right edge is an image of a guard tower with barbed wire and a United States Flag. Below are small protest signs with "for info...

Vote Peace [Green Party]
c. 2003

Poster is in the shape of a triangle with a white border, green background and white text. In the center is "Vote Peace" with a leaf outline below.

Green Party
c. 2003

Poster is in the shape of a triangle with a white border, green background and white text. In the center is "Green Party" with a white leaf outline.

Operation: Ceasefire

Top of poster has the text: "Washington Monument 09.24.05 / Stop The War Now! / Operation: / Ceasefire". Below this is a stylized drawing of a dove with an olive branch in its beak shielding...

Sunday October 6th 2pm | Union Square San Francisco
c. 2002

Poster has text from top to bottom: "Sunday / October 6th 2PM / Union Square / San Francisco / For local...

Bring the Troops Home Now!

Top of poster has the text: "Int'l Day of Emergency Protests / Bring the / Troops / Home Now! / All foreign troops Out of Iraq". Below this the poster has two small photographs. At left is a...

241 Mile March for Peace!

Poster has a thin white and teal border overall. Poster has a yellow background. Top of poster has the text: "Marcha / Histórica / 241 Mile March for Peace / Tijuana, Mex -> San...

Protest the War: Saturday, March 22

Poster has text from top to bottom: "Protest / the War / Saturday / March 22 / 12noon / S.F. Civic Center / 415-821-6545 / Poster issued by A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism) /...

Stop the War, Sat. April 12

Poster has text from top to bottom: "Int'l Day of Mass Action / Join the People of the World to Say / Stop The / War / Sat. / 12 noon S.F. / Civic Center / April 12 / 415-821-6545 / Initiated by...

No War On Iraq Protest

Poster has text from to p to bottom: "No War / on Iraq / Protest / Sat / San Francisco / 11:00 am, Embarcadero / and Market (BART) / March to Civic Center / Jan. 18 415-821-6545 / A.N.S.W.E.R.:...

Stop War on Iraq, War on Us

Background of poster has a stylized line drawing of a dove with an olive branch; there is a smaller version of the same image in the upper right corner of the poster. The top of the poster has the...

Remember the Shots : Return to the Docks

Poster has text from top to bottom: "Remember the Shots / Return To / The Docks / April 7 / 4 pm Rally @ OPD / 5 pm March from / West Oakland Bart /".

The morning of...

Stop War on Iraq, War on Us

Background of poster has a stylized line drawing of a dove with an olive branch, there is a smaller version of the same image in the upper right corner of the poster. The top of the poster has the...

An Open Letter to the People of San Francisco

Top of the poster has the text: "An Open Letter to the / People of San Francisco". Below this is a paragraph describing plans to shut down the financial district of San Francisco to protest U.S....

unititled (MUNI rider alert notice)

Poster is printed on blue paper with red ink and is laminated. The top edge has a MUNI bus with "Rider Alert" in large lettering next to it. Below in black is, "Saturday March 15, 2003/ This Stop...


Poster has an image of George W. Bush that is contorted to make him appear with large ears and squinty eyes. Over the image is "You Can't Spell War Without Dub'yah." Below the...

George W. Bush is the Thief of Baghdad

Poster is a movie poster spoof featuring George W. Bush. In the center is an image of Bush in traditional garb with a minaret and war helicopters flying behind him. The poster reads, "George W....

Impeach Bush

Poster has an image in the center of George W. Bush. The image is made of small photographs of the faces of different military men. The background is black with white text. It reads, "Impeach Bush...

George W. Bush: The Ultimate Stupid and Gutless Commander-in-Chief

Poster has a black background with a photograph of George W. Bush in the upper left corner. To the right of the photograph is a large "W" with a red prohibition sign around it. Under the sign is...

Missing: Can you help us find a truthful leader for the free world?

Poster has a black background with a large milk carton. On the left side of the carton is a photograph of George W Bush. Around the image is "Missing/ Can You Help Us Find A Truthful Leader For...

Bring the Troops Home Now!

Poster has a light blue background image of people protesting. Over the background is black text. The poster reads, "Bring the Troops Home Now!/ Stop the bombing Now! Money for Human Needs not war...

Stop the War on Iraq! Mass March and Rally

Poster has a black and white photograph of people protesting in a city street in the lower left. The top of the poster reads, "Stop the War on Iraq!/ The world says NO to war/ Mass march and Rally...

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