

From "Bort, Joseph P. Former Ala.Co.Supervisor, Metro Trans.Comm." folder. From caption on back of photograph: "Joseph P. Bort." Photograph of Joseph Bort, pointing towards the camera. He is...


From "Bort, Joseph P. Former Ala.Co.Supervisor, Metro Trans.Comm." folder. From caption on back of photograph: "Joseph Bort (left) an Alameda County supervisor, is sworn in as a director of the...


From "Bort, Joseph P. Former Ala.Co.Supervisor, Metro Trans.Comm." folder. From caption on back of photograph: "Joseph P. Bort." Portrait photograph of Joseph Bort. He wears a white shirt, dark...


From caption on back of photograph: "Visitors walk among the more than 3,000 plants at the 14th annual outdoor Chrysanthemum Show now being held at the Lakeside Park Trial and Show Gardens....


man in a suit, sitting in the Abbott trial courtoom. He has big hair and enormously wide lapels.


Photograph of Assistant District Attorney Folger Emerson (?) standing behind an unidentified man who is penciling in something on a large street map of Berkeley. The man is making marks on the...


Photograph of an unidentified man who is unfurling a large street map of Berkeley.


Photograph of an unidentified man who is unfurling a large street map of Berkeley.


Photograph of an unidentified man, decked out in eyeglasses and a suit, sitting in the Abbott trial courtoom.


Photograph of yet another unidentified man in a suit, sitting in the Abbott trial courtoom.


Photograph of a man -- evidently a clothing or forensics expert -- who is testifying in the case against Burton Abbott. He is holding a posterboard with several samplings of fabric similar to the...


Two unidentified men confer in or near the Abbott murder trial courtroom in the Alameda County Courthouse.


An unidentified man stands in or near the Abbott murder trial courtroom in the Alameda County Courthouse.


Two unidentified men and one unidentified woman enter the Abbott trial courtroom in the Alameda County Courthouse. Behind them, at the doorway, stands a bailiff.


An unidentified man leads a crowd of spectators(?) into the courtroom, filing past two bailiffs at the doorway. Spectators? Jurors? Witnesses?


An unidentified man stands in or near the Abbott murder trial courtroom in the Alameda County Courthouse.


An unidentified man stands in or near the Abbott murder trial courtroom in the Alameda County Courthouse.


Photograph of an unidentified man standing outside of the Alameda County Courthouse courtroom where the trial of Burton Abbott took place. He is wearing a dark suit, white shirt, and floral tie...


An unidentified man (suit, tie, receding hairline, wan face) sashays into the Abbott trial courtroom as a bailiff looks on.


Defense counsel Harold B. Hove(?????) standing in front of a map of northern California, holding a jacket that has been admitted as a piece of evidence.


Photograph of an unidentified man who may be defense counsel Harold B. Hove, stuffing papers into his valise at the end(?) of another day of the trial. Behind him stands a photographer with his...


Photograph of an unidentified man who may be defense counsel Harold B. Hove(?), displaying a piece of evidence to the jury(?). The evidence is a jacket with plush or fur collar. He stands in...


Photograph of an unidentified man standing outside of the Alameda County Courthouse courtroom where the trial of Burton Abbott took place. He is wearing a dark suit, white shirt, and floral tie...


An unidentified man holds an enlarged photograph of what appears to be a freeway. He might be a cartographer, called as an expert witness to testify about the validity of the image he is holding...

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