
commemoration program
22.325 in HIGH x 17.325 in WIDE
(56.71 cm HIGH x 44.01 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Poster has black text and images printed on beige paper. Image along the left side of a man wearing a hat and glasses. Image at top right of the coast of Africa with the Republic of Guinea Bissau shaded and Republic of Cape Verde (islands) labeled. A quote is at the right center and reads "to struggle means to turn weakness into strength". The same quote is repeated in Portuguese below. Near the bottom, beneath the image of the man is the name Amilcar Cabral with the dates of his life, Sept. 12, 1925 - Jan. 20, 1973. A horizontal border of four wavy lines near the bottom splitsthe text. Text beneath the border gives the time, date, and location of the event. At the bottom left is the text "tchuba: The American Committee For Cape Verde, Inc."
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