
11.5 in WIDE
(29.21 cm WIDE)
Gift of Georgy Russell

Red, white, and blue bumper sticker reading "Georgy for Governor 2003 www.georgyforgov.com"

Taken from Georgy Russell's website- www.georgyforgov.comGeorgy Russell is a Software Engineer who works at VERITAS Software in the Advanced Technology Group. She graduated with honors in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley in 1999. Georgy was raised in Oakland, California, and was educated in the cityミs public school system for grades K-12. Georgy is an avid dancer. She has been dancing for 15 years, and is dedicated to dancing 5 times a week. Georgy currently resides in Mountain View, California.

Used: 2003 California Gubernatorial Recall Election | Georgy Russell

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