Robot Sam the Answer Man
8.125 in|10. in|9.75 in|8.75 in WIDE x 1.5 in|2 in|1.5 in DEEP
(20.64 cm|25.40 cm|24.76 cm|22.22 cm WIDE x 3.81 cm|5.08 cm|3.81 cm DEEP)
(20.64 cm|25.40 cm|24.76 cm|22.22 cm WIDE x 3.81 cm|5.08 cm|3.81 cm DEEP)
Gift of Eric and Ingrid Woods
Eric & Andy written on the lid of the box
This is a boxed quiz game. A: Lid of box features a large red robot with "Robot Sam the Answer Man"..."educational, interesting, fascinating," "the playway to knowledge," "156 questions about the world answered by the electrical robot man." The inside of the box has the directions and information about the manufacturing company, Jacmar Mfg. Company, Inc. of New York, New York. B: Bottom of the box, covered with glossy blue paper. C: Play deck, sits in the box bottom, covered with a baby blue sheet printed assorted bits of information, and featuring silver colored dots, a red light bulb and two wires cover in red. D-I: Are yellow quiz cards, numbered in sequence. D is 1-2, E is 3-4, F is 5-6. G is 7-8, H is 9-10 and I is 11-12.
This is an electronic game and is supposed to appeal to a variety of ages.
Used: childhood | Playing | Education
© 2024 Oakland Museum of California