(30.48 cm WIDE x 20.32 cm DEEP)
This boudoir cap is shaped almost like a cloche. The crown is made of natural colored, machine made embroidered net. The rest of the cap is made of a deep rosy pink silk chiffon, trimmed on the top with a small flounce of pink silk ribbon, and on the bottom with a band of the same pink silk ribbon, threaded with elastic. The bottom edge of the hat consists of a little flounce of natural colored, machine made Valenciennces type lace. The cap is embellished with three small ribbon bows of the pink ribbon, each centered with a small ribbon rose bud. The back of the cap is trimmed with a ribbon bow centered with a ribbon rose bud, with 9" streamers down the back.
According to Fiona Clark, "The Costume Accessories Series," A Batsford Book, UK, 1982, (page 76), "...Around 1908 the cap made a surprise final appearnace under the name 'boudoir' cap. This may originate from the oriental-style turbans introduced for evening wear at this date by Paul Poiret. The oriental flavour of the boudoir cap was conveyed through the use of gold lace, tissue ribbon, brightly printed silk and even fur. Towards the 1920s it developed a closer fit to the skull and the form was extinct by 1930. As their name suggests, boudoir caps were worn for lounging with kimono style negliges and later with pyjamas, rather than with ordinary indoor dress or even with night wear. They were redolent of the world of ottomans, screens and tasselled cushions, christined by Osbert lancaster as 'Style Ballets Russes'."
Used: Emily May Blurton | Adult ~ female