
Don't Let Anyone Stand Between You And Your Rights
11 in HIGH x 17 in WIDE
(27.94 cm HIGH x 43.18 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

This horizontally-oriented poster features a black and white image of several police officers standing in front of a table set up with a "Food / Not / Bombs" banner on it. There is a group of civilians standing on the other side of the table. Text at the top of the page reads "Don''t Let Anyone Stand / Between You and Your Rights". Text at the bottom of the poster calls for people to "Celebrate / The 1st Anniversary / Of The Labor Day arrests / For Serving Free Food". There is a 1989 date and a "Haight" street location for the march. There is a "Food Not Bombs" logo with a hand holding a carrot and a San Francisco address in the bottom right corner.
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