
Eating for a Healthy Heart
Late 20th Early 21st Century
24 in HIGH x 18 in WIDE
(60.96 cm HIGH x 45.72 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

American Heart Association name and logo printed at the bottom right.

Poster has a yellow and peach colored background. At the top are mutlicolor, stylized images of fruits and vegetables. At the center is a chart identifying foods from each food group that are low, medium, high, and very high in fat. Symbols next to food items identify those that are high in sodium, sugar, cholesterol and mono/polysaturated fats. Across the bottom of the poster is "eating for a healthy heart". Poster verso printed on white paper. and divided into three sections. At the bottom left is the front cover of the folding guide. At the bottom right are sample daily menus, one lower in fat. At the top are instructions for using the guide and other tips.
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