
Untitled (Mid-century Woman)
26.62 in HIGH x 19.00 in WIDE
(67.63 cm HIGH x 48.26 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

The poster has a black border overall. The poster has a stylized drawing of a female figure, she appears to be sitting on a mobile or sculpture, reminiscent of those made by Alexander Calder, with her left hand on her hip. The background has a modern looking lamp and chair, as well as a design that resembles the paintings of Piet Mondrian. The bottom of the poster has the text: "War came to America on December 7, 1941...and women once again marched with the men to war. They put on long pants and returned to work in the factories... / and riveted their way into the hearts of America. The war ended in 1945, leaving women to make the decision whether to claim part of the world outside the nursery or to / return to the kitchen. They didn't have long to ponder the alternatives, for the post war economy was excellent and the fulfillment of the prewar promise of a chicken in every / pot, and two cars in every garage was about to be realized. The economy soon produced every appliance imaginable to the housewife, and to keep the little lady in the kitchen / to buy these appliances, the Madison Avenue boys, in league with Hollywood, told the girls of America that happiness was a home full of appliances, detergents, floor waxes, / bleaches and babies. The status symbol was the whites wash in the neighborhood...not a college education. Some girls in order to be noticed in this Man's World literally / took to screaming hysterically at movie stars like Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley. However, there were some women during the forties and fifties who were not convinced that appliances / and conveniences, and a pair of good lungs were enough to supply happiness. These women again took up te cudgel to fight for the right to participate in the world outside the nursery.".
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