Changing Faces Clothing
22.00 in HIGH x 13.88 in WIDE
(55.88 cm HIGH x 35.24 cm WIDE)
(55.88 cm HIGH x 35.24 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.
Bottom right corner has: "Rafael Zambrana / V '69 / Tea Lautrec Litho / San Francisco".
Poster has a red and blue halftone background overall. Poster has a drawing of an intestinal network or some similar form overall. The form is rendered in black and white and emerges from a small hole drawn at the upper left corner of the poster. At the top of the poster two of the gaps in this form are filled with drawings of caverns and surreal objects. There are two large gaps in the main form, the first has a yellow background and the text: "Changing / Faces". The second has tan orange and yellow background and the text: "Clothing " in the upper left corner, but the majority of the field is occupied by a drawing of a row of six figures, that illustrate the evolution of human life, staring with a monkey at left and ending with a human figure at right. The bottom edge of the poster has the text: "1398 Grant Ave / San Francisco / -boots- / 660 Bridgeway / Sausalito".
© 2024 Oakland Museum of California