Nancy Morejon Cuban Poet
17.50 in HIGH x 23.00 in WIDE
(44.45 cm HIGH x 58.42 cm WIDE)
(44.45 cm HIGH x 58.42 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.
Lower left corner has: "Design & Print by Mission Grafica, MCC".
Poster has a background or pink and white with irregular vertical bands of clusters of narrow horizontal pink lines. The background has an orange border. The right side of the poster has a stylized image of a female figure with her eyes closed gesturing with her arms in blue and orange. The left side of the poster has text in blue: "Nancy Morejon / Cuban poet / Apple Tree In Oakland / see that apple tree, mellow and strong, / shading a gray sidewalk in Oakland? / Can you see it? / Every molecule in its trunk traveled from Dakota's woods / and the tearful Missouri. / The waters of Utah's great salt lake / wet the resins of its bark. / Did you know this apple tree was planted / in earth stolen from Wounded Knee / by the governor of the state? / Did you know its sap / is nurtured by bones and hair / imprisoned at San Quentin?... / April 4th - 22nd, 1983 / Mills College * San Francisco State University * Stanford University * / University of California, Berkeley * City College of San Francisco * / New College * Black Scholar 8 Institute for Cuban Cultural Exchange 8 / Mission Cultural Center * Center for Cuban Studies * Cuban Resource Center / The Nancy Morejon tour of the United States is under the auspices of the / Center for Cuban Studies, New York, NY".
© 2024 Oakland Museum of California