
Photograph. Description: Surveyors by County Surveyors' Office, framed. Salted paper print. Portrait of 6 surveyors with transit? on tripod in center, 3 of the subjects are Boardman, Potter and Roach (this info taken from the back of the frame); San Francisco 11/5/1862. From the History Information Station: Object: Photograph, in oval frame. Photographer unknown, circa 1865. History: Alameda County Surveyor William F. Boardman, second from right, poses with members of his staff. The surveyor's transit on the tripod weighed three hundred pounds, and was built by the man at far left. Gift of William G. Boardman, Margaret B. Hildebrand, and Alice Boardman Attributed to Vance from the distinctive carpet, seen in a photograph of Vance and his gallery staff, Bancroft Library.

Used: William F. Boardman

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