
Jan. 8, 1906
3 in HIGH x 6.625 in WIDE
(7.62 cm HIGH x 16.83 cm WIDE)
Gift of Mrs. Judy Soden

Read the Chronicle's Want Advertisements. Preserve this bill. Oakland, Jan. 8 -1906; Mr. Baker, 1319 Grove,To Chronicle Carrier Adeline Route, Dr., For DAILY CHRONICLE From Dec. 1 to Jan. 1, 1906; Rec'd Payment, A. Kretz, Carrier. Terms: One Week, 20 cents. One Month, 75 cents...Chronicle Branch Office, 1160 Broadway, bet. 13th & 14th Sts.

Reverse "City subscribers who desire the Chronicle mailed to them at SUMMER RESORTS, or other out-of-town places, will please notify office, giving City address, and length of time desired sent to new address. On returning, please notify office in order that service by carrier may be promptly resumed,"

Used: Mr. A. W. Baker | San Francisco Chronicle | A. Kretz | Oakland

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