

One MoneyGram table mat with a front flap that is only attached at the bottom. The front flap is red and black with the MoneyGram logo and has a clear rectangular window through which the mat is...


One double sided MoneyGram poster with the same image and message on both sides but one side is in English and the other in Spanish. The image is of four people's hands stacked with a red...


One MoneyGram electrical light sign. The sign is made up fo two plasttic sides held together with a metal frame. The sign has two metal hooks to hang from on the top metal frame. The cord with...


Five (A-E) MoneyGram money transfer forms. A: MoneyGramExpress Payment form, B: MoneyGram Receive/Recibo form, C: MoneyGram Envios A Mexico/Sends to Mexico form, D: MoneyGram Send/Envio form, E...

c. 2010

One MoneyGram brochure (A) with an insert (B). The front of A is in English and the back in Spanish, the brochure folds open and the left page is in Spanish and the right page in English. B, the...

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