
Locked Out
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black text and logos on a white background. Text at top reads "Locked Out By" followed by the abc7 logo. Beneath the logo is the text "NABET-CWA Local 51 Sanctioned By" follwed by two...

No Way
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has blue and white text on a background of blue, white, and yellow. Text starting at the top reads "$4 a day? No Way!" followed by "Teamsters" near the bottom in blue and "fighting for fair...

Vote TDU
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Double-sided poster printed with black and dark red ink on white paper was originally folded for mailing. Text at top reads, "Si Se Puede / It''s Time for a Change / Vote TDU." A black and white...

Fighting for Women's Lives
20th century

The top of the poster has a yellow background and a stylized star-burst shape in white. The top of the poster has text in blue: "Fighting for / Women's / Lives / Teamster Women". The bottom edge...

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