Jos Sances, designer

Art From Jail

Poster printed on white paper with a central gray background. At the top is "hanging in the Tenderloin / I can hear old voices" in pink and black. At the center is a multicolor image of a street...

Do the Right Thing Every Time
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Postter has white unprinted edges enclosing a yellwo background. At the top is "Do the right thing" continued at the bottom with "every time!" all in black. The center is divided into six sections...

A Forum on the Arts with Berkeley Mayoral Candidates

Poster has black and red ink printed on white paper. At the top is "A Forum On The Arts With / Berkeley Mayoral / Candiates". At the center is an image of two faces, seen from the eyes up, with...

Support KPFA 94.1
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Multicolor poster printed on white paper. A graphic of a radio tower printed with text appears at center. "Free Speech" twice and two lightning bolts emanate from the top of the tower. Police...

Acting Our Age
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster consists of light blue text on a black background. The image depicts four older women of varying ages standing in a line with their hand on the shoulders of the woman in front of them. Text...

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