graduation cap

The big game
c. 1998

Poster printed on light gray paper. Imgage depicts a "Cal" bear holding a UC banner and a megaphone with two skeletons behind the bear and missiles around the bear. In paranthesis at the top of...

April 22 Earth Day
c. 1975

Poster has a black and white background with blackand white text. The black and white image is of a globe with a graduation cap on it, surrounded by plants. Poster reads, "April 22 Earth Day."

Education our passport to the future
c. 1992

Poster conists of black print on white paper with the two bottom corners cut off at an angle. Image in the center of Malcolm X wearing eyeglasses, a graduation cap and gown, and holding one hand...


Poster printed with black ink on red paper. "Harambee" is printed in a wavy line at top above a figure in a graduation cap and gown leading a child by the hand that is carrying a book and pencils...

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