Keith Dennison


From "Bort, Joseph P. Former Ala.Co.Supervisor, Metro Trans.Comm." folder. From caption on back of photograph: "New Supervisor - Joesph P. Bort (right), former Berkeley councilman, took oath of...


From "Bort, Joseph P. Former Ala.Co.Supervisor, Metro Trans.Comm." folder. From caption on back of photograph: "Supervisor Joseph Bort: low fares his goal." Photograph of Joseph Bort seated at a...


From "Murphy, John D." folder. From caption on back of photograph: "Sworn in today - Alameda County Superior Judge Allan G. Norris (right) administers the oath of office to John D. Murphy, who...


Photograph of the front facade of the Alameda County Court House. The caption read: "Black Panthers Stand Courthouse Watch Following Rally: Some 250 others paraded with banners asking...


Clipping on the back of photo reads--"Aug. 23, 1989-Black Panthers march in Oakland in 1968 to protest arrest and trial of Newton for slaying of Oakland police officer..." Photo shows...


man in a suit, sitting in the Abbott trial courtoom. He has big hair and enormously wide lapels.


Photograph of Assistant District Attorney Folger Emerson (?) standing behind an unidentified man who is penciling in something on a large street map of Berkeley. The man is making marks on the...


Photograph of an unidentified man who is unfurling a large street map of Berkeley.


Photograph of an unidentified man who is unfurling a large street map of Berkeley.

December 9 1960 - December 22, 1960

Photograph of Art Powell jumping up off of his right foot with his right hand extended strait up and holding a football. His left arm and leg are extended down and to his left. He is wearing...


Photograph of Burton Abbott (?) looking at a map (?) or aerial photograph (?) in the Alameda County courtroom where his trial is taking place. There is another man with Abbott, but he is...


Photograph of Burton Abbott (?) looking at a map (?) or aerial photograph (?) in the Alameda County courtroom where his trial is taking place. There is another man with Abbott, but he is mostly...


Photograph of Burton Abbott (?) looking at a map (?) or aerial photograph (?) in the Alameda County courtroom where his trial is taking place. There is another man with Abbott, but he is mostly...


Photograph of Burton Abbott (?) looking at a map (?) or aerial photograph (?) in the Alameda County courtroom where his trial is taking place. There is another man with Abbott, but he is mostly...


Photograph of an unidentified man, decked out in eyeglasses and a suit, sitting in the Abbott trial courtoom.


Photograph of yet another unidentified man in a suit, sitting in the Abbott trial courtoom.


Black and white glossy photograph of Oakland Oaks Baseball Manager Dolph Camilli with five of his players. Two players are sitting on a bench, two are standing directly behind them, and one is...


Black and white glossy photograph of Oakland Oaks Baseball players at the ballpark. There are four players sitting on a bench (in the bullpen?) with four more players standing behind them....


Black and white photograph of two gentleman standing at a hotel counter, both wearing polo shirts and blazers. Willie Kirkland (left) looks on as Willie McCovey (right) signs in. Both are there...


Buses unload employees(?) at the Oakland Armed Services Induction Center amid throngs of protesters.


Buses unload employees(?) at the Oakland Armed Services Induction Center amid throngs of protesters.


Buses unload employees(?) at the Oakland Armed Services Induction Center amid throngs of protesters.


fhoto was taken looking down Broadway. On the right side of the photo are cars parked at meters at the curb. Detour signs and construction caution cones are blocking most of the right hand lanes...


Photo was taken looking down Franklin, possibly taken from a fire escape or window of the Tribune building. On the left is part of the Tribune sign on the side of the building. On the right side...

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