Reproduction Services
Requesting images and permissions:
Many of the images on our Collections website, Calisphere, and The Online Archive of California are available for licensing and reproduction. Permission is required for any commercial reproduction, public display, or distribution in any format, whether digital or print. OMCA charges fees for image use on a sliding scale based on the nature of the project.
To request permission for reproduction and images of objects from OMCA’s collection please email [email protected]. Due to a large number of open rights and reproduction projects, it will take up to 12 weeks for us to contact you regarding your request. Fulfillment of the request may take longer and apologize for this inconvenience. We try to match image size to the intended use, in most cases our images will not exceed 6000 pixels (or 20 inches at 300 DPI) on the long side, and there may be additional fees associated with requests for larger images.
A note about copyright:
While images and image use agreements are available through Reproduction Services, copyright and other proprietary rights may further restrict use of the images on this site or provided by OMCA. OMCA does not warrant that the use of these materials will not infringe on the rights of third parties, such as artists or estates that may hold rights to these materials. It is the responsibility of the applicant to satisfy copyright or other use restrictions before copying, transmitting, or making other use of protected items beyond that allowed by "fair use," as described in the United States Copyright Act (Title 17, USC). After OMCA has received your request for materials we will notify you if we require rights clearance before proceeding with your request.
California Library of Natural Sounds:
The California Library of Natural Sounds (CLNS) is a comprehensive collection of over 2500 audio recordings of nature sounds with an emphasis on California species and environments. It includes the sounds of specific insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, as well as natural, ambient soundscapes. A small number of these recordings can be previewed online here: Listening to Nature: A Sound Walk Across California, and a full list can be made available upon request. Recordings from the CLNS are available for licensing and reproduction. Requests can be submitted by emailing [email protected].
All requests are considered on a case-by-case basis at OMCA’s sole discretion. Some material is not available for reproduction due to size, condition, and other restrictions.
For additional information please contact:
Rights and Reproductions
[email protected]