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Please tell us a little about yourself.
1. Please describe yourself:
Student in grades K-6
Student in grades 7-12
College Student | Graduate Student
Artist | Designer
If other, please describe:
2. Which of the following best describes your race or ethnicity?:
African descent / African-American / Black
Asian / Asian-American / Pacific Islander
Caucasian / White
Hispanic / Latino/ Chicano
Native American
Decline to state
If other, please describe:
3. If you live in the USA or Canada, please enter your zip code / postal code:
4. Where do you access the internet? (check all that apply):
I have access to an internet-enabled computer at my home
I have access to an internet-enabled computer at my work or school
I have access to an Internet-enabled computer in another place.
5. How often do you use the internet?:
About once a week or less
1-2 hour per week
3-4 hours per week
5-6 hours per week
7+ hours per week
6. How comfortable are you using the internet?:
Very comfortable
Slightly Comfortable
Slightly Uncomfortable
Very Uncomfortable
7. Which of the following activities have you done on the internet? (Check all that apply):
Creating web pages or blogs
Creating an online lesson
Using Internet search tools like Google or Yahoo
Posting digital photos on the internet
Subscribing and reading online bulletin boards (e.g., list-servs)
Using social networking sites
Reading the news stories about topics of interest to me
Researching topics of my own choosing or that are assigned to me
Entertaining myself with shows, videos, music, etc.
8. What online resources do you use? (Check all that apply):
Search engines such as: Google, Yahoo
Social media sites such as: Facebook, Myspace, Flickr, Tumblr
Online collection sites such as: SFMOMA, Smithsonian,, NYPL digital library
Academic research sites and archives such as: Getty ULAN/AAT, the Library of Congress onion prints and photographs collections
None of the above
9. How long did you spend looking at the Collections Web Site?:
Less than 2 minutes
2-10 minutes
10-30 minutes
30-60 minutes
more than 1 hour
10. Please rate how engaging each of the following elements of the site was to you:
Very Interesting
Very Uninteresting
Featured collections (e.g. Mathews, Costume, etc.)
Text describing featured collections
Text describing individual records
Image browsing tools
Using the term and maker indexes
Tag words
11. How likely would you share this site with your students, colleagues or friends? :
Very Likely
Neither Likely or Unlikely
Very Unlikely
12. I found the level of explanation in the content of this website to be:
Much more basic than I would like
A little too basic
About right
A little too complex
Much more complex than I would like
13. Please rate your agreement with each of the following statements about this site:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The site provided useful information about individual artifacts presented
The site provided useful information about the museum’s collections
The site was difficult to navigate
The site drew me in
The records were grouped in a way that made it easy to find what I was searching for
The search tools returned the results I was looking for
14. Please rate your agreement with each of the following statements about this site:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The site didn’t provide anything new for me about the cultural heritage of California.
I want to know more about California’s Art, History, and Natural Environment now that I visited the site.
I read through most of the written instructions
I’d like to return to the site and continue exploring it later.
The web site taught me about Californians' artistic, historical, and scientific achievements.
The additional notes and information associated with each record were useful for my understanding of the object.
The zoom features were helpful
The site loaded in a reasonable amount of time
15. How much do you feel you learned looking at the website?:
A little
A moderate amount
A great deal
16. If you answered “A great deal” to the previous question, please write down two things you learned from the site:
17. Please rate your comfort level with the following:
Very uncomfortable
Slightly uncomfortable
Slightly comfortable
Very comfortable
California Artworks
California History
California Ecology and Natural Sciences
18. If you were going to teach someone about California history, Science, or Art, would you use this website?:
If yes, how?:
If no, why not?:
19. How likely would you be to come to the Oakland Museum of California after visiting this site? :
Very Likely
Neither Likely or Unlikely
Very unlikely
© 2024 Oakland Museum of California