
Early 1900's

Box of Pictures. Description: 20 views mostly of downtown Oakland, U.C. Berkeley campus (one view of the Clarmont Hotel with Berkeley Hills in the background, and Neptune Beach in Alameda....

Early 1900's

Box of Pictures (b.). Title: 20 Souvenir Views of Oakland, Berkeley & Alameda. Description: 20 views mostly of downtown Oakalnd, U.C. Berkeley campus (one view of the Claremont Hotel with...

Early 1900's

Box of Pictures. Description: 20 views mostly of downtown Oakland, U.C. Berkeley campus (one view of the Clarmont Hotel with Berkeley Hills in the background, and Neptune Beach in Alameda....

Early 1900's

Box of Pictures. Description: 20 views mostly of downtown Oakland, U.C. Berkeley campus (one view of the Clarmont Hotel with Berkeley Hills in the background, and Neptune Beach in Alameda....

Early 1900's

Photograph of Camera Corner c. 1948 with the National Cash Register in use. This is at their location on 13th street in downtown Oakland./58


Photograph of Camera Corner c. 1994 with the National Cash Register in use. The owner of the Store is using the cash register.Clyde Woolridge. This is at their location on 13th street in downtown...

Early 1900's

Photographs, progress report of Oakland's City Hall. Report from architects to Mayor Mott. From first excavation to completion. Oakland City Hall (with new Washington Plaza in place of old City...

ca. 1880

(On back of photo) "Looking East from Corner of 13th & Harrison, College of Holy Names in background, center, ca. early 1880's, photographer C. E. Watkins, negative in collection of Wyland...

Photograph. Image Description: looking south on 12th Street toward Brookly (sic) and Tubbs Hotel (east 12th to 14th and 6th Ave. to 5th Ave.). Cameron (sic) Stanford home by lake. Physical...


Photograph of pen & ink sketch. "The Bamford Home, 13th Ave. & E. 15th St., Oakland, Cal."; sketch by "C.G. Moore, '36"


Photograph of pen & ink sketch. "Dr. C. C. Knowles, 718 5th St., Oakland, Cal."; sketch by C. G. Moore, '36"


Photograph of pen & ink sketch. "Home of Cordelia M. Wentworth, n.e. cor. E 14th St. & 12th Ave., Oakland, Cal."; sketch by C.G. Moore, '36"


12th Street east from Broadway, 1869.


Alice Street south from 12th Street, 1873.


Lake Merritt, 1873. Betsy Willcuts, May 2002

Bibliography: THE HEART OF OAKLAND, A Walking Guide to Lake Merritt by Leslie Flint, Sponsored by the Camron-Stanford House Preservation...


Broadway north from 12th Street, 1873 and Oakland hills.


12th Street west from Broadway, 1869. Street banner " Bowen Bros. Grocers.".


12th Street west from Broadway, 1884.


View from College Tower, northwest 1869 showing City Hall.


City Hall, destroyed by fire August 25, 1877, 9:15 p.m.


Broadway south from 12th St. 1869.


Tubbs Hotel destoryed by fire August 14, 1893, 9:45 p.m..

Oakland Heritage Alliance News, Spring-Summer 1997

Pages 1 through 4. By Penny Mendelsohn, 8/02

The area of Oakland...

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