Political Posters

The “All Of Us Or None” (AOUON) archive project was started by Free Speech Movement activist Michael Rossman in 1977 to gather and document posters of modern progressive movements in the United States. Though some early works are included, its focus is on the domestic political poster renaissance that began in 1965 and continues to this day. When Rossman died May 12, 2008 his family donated the collection to the Oakland Museum of California. More …

The Archive gathered posters from all streams of progressive activity — from movements of protest, liberation, and affirmative action, trade union and community struggles, to electoral and environmental organizing, community services, and visionary manifestos. It is strongest in work from the San Francisco Bay Area, but its scope is national: approximately one-quarter of its holdings come from out of state, primarily New York City, Boston, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. These are complemented by a representation of international work. The collection consists of approximately 24,500 distinct titles.

The collection includes examples from well-known graphic artists including Malaquías Montoya, Emory Douglas, Rachael Romero, Rupert Garcia, Yolanda Lopez, Favianna Rodriguez, Carlos Cortez, Nancy Hom, Juan Fuentes, and Jos Sances, as well as material from seminal collective workshops such as La Raza Silkscreen, the Royal Chicano Air Force, Japantown Art and Media, Kearny Street Workshop, and Inkworks Press. Perhaps more important, the depth and breadth of the collection reveals the contribution of numerous lesser known or even anonymous artists whose cumulative impact on this democratic public art form has yet to be properly understood. 

The cataloging of the AOUON Archive was made possible by a generous grant from the Stephen M. Silberstein Foundation.


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untitled (tryptic)
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black printed background with a color photo of a folding tryptic showing religious scenes. At the bottom is "ASTAC, 15 Anos Contribuyendo al Desarrollo Cultural" in yellow.

Semana de Accion Global

Poster has a red printed background. At the top is a stylized, multicolor image of a tall ear of corn growing from the surface of the world, with people tending to it. The base of the plant has a...


Poster has a black printed background with a color photo of mountains at the top. Text at the top of the poster reads "Tz''unun ya'' / Centro Cultural Comunitario / memorias del paisaje, / cultura...

IV Congreso Continental

Poster has a blue printed background. At the top is a red strip with a logo at the left and "Coordinadora Latinoamerica de Organizaciones del Campo / CLOC" in white. Below the red are strips of...

Los Tratados de Libre Comercio
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a blue printed background. At the top is "Los Tratados de Libre Comercio / empobreseran mas / a Guatemala" in yellow, orange and green. At the center is a multicolor stylized...

Accion Sindical

Poster has yellow printed edges enclosing a stylized image of a line of people marching down a city street carrying a banner that reads "Dia Internacional De Accion Del Transporte Por Carpetera /...

Consejos De Desarrollo Urbano Y Rural
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a green printed background. At the top is "Consejos De Desarrollo / Urbano Y Rural" in blue and ")Art. 225 de la Constitucion de la Republica/Decreto 52-87)" in black. At the center are...

Ejerce tu ciudadania
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has white unprinted edges enclosing a blue background with a central multicolor image of people crowded in front of a building. At the top of the poster is "Ejerce tu ciudadania" in blue....

Que Gana Guatemala con el Tratado de Libre Comercia
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a beige printed background. Across the top is "Que Gana Guatemala con el Tratado de Libre Comercia?" in purple. At the left is the shape of Guatemala filled with images of a rainforest...


Poster has a black printed background with a central color image of a skull with a number marker and arrow next to it. At the bottom left of the image is "1981-1983" in white in a red strip. At...

El Convenio 169
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a red printed background that looks like a textile or weaving. Across the top is a blue strip with "el convenio 169" in red and yellow. At the left are color photos of people - a man...

La Dsciriminacion
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a woven mat background with photos of people from all over Central and/or South America. At the top is purple and red Spanish text. Below the images is a red strip with "La...


Poster has a brown printed background with a white and pink image of flowers. At the top left is "Chiapas" in pink. At the bottom right is "XXVII Reunion Anual / De La / Sociedad Mexicana / De...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has blue ink printed on off-white paper. At the top is "Participa, No Seas ''Miron''". Below the title is a two columned Spanish poem at the left and a stylized image of a shaking man...

Cese Al Bloque Imperialista

Poster background is black at the left and white at the right. Across the top is "!Cese Al Bloque / Imperialista!" in red followed by a gray, red and white Cuban flag. Below the image is "...


Poster printed on white paper. At the top is "Universidad Autonoma De Baja California" in gray, followed by the uniersity''s initials (UABC) in green, blue, red and yellow. At the bottom of the...

Zapata Vive!

Poster has a stylized, multicolor background image of a man with a moustache, surrounded by the faces of other men. At the top is "!Zapata Vive! / !la lucha sigue!" in white. At the bottom is "...


Poster printed on white paper. At the top is a blue strip with "Veracruz / Mexico" in black. At the center is a stylized blue and brown image of a figure in an oranate headdress. To the bottom...

Independencia Y Libertad
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Laminated poster has a blue ornate border enclosing a stylized image of a corwd of people holding up weapons, fires, flags, etc and shouting. In the sky are weapons crossing over a wreath with a...


Poster has a blue printed background with white and dark blue text and images. At the top is a stylized image of figures dancing. Below the image is "1er. Festival De La Danza / Profesional /...

Diego Rivera

Poster has a red printed background. At the top is a piece of art by Diego Rivera showing a stylized figure handling a ceramic vessel. At the bottom of the poster is "Giego Rivera 1886-1986"...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has pink ink printed on white paper with a large background image of Che Guevara with a beard. At the top of the poster is "Chiapas, Zapata Y ''El Che''". At the bottom is a three-columned...

untitled (cartoons talking in Spanish)
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has ornage ink printed on white paper with a stylized image of a cartoon figure speaking to two animals (dogs), with speech bubbles above each figure filled with Spanish text. At the bottom...

Queremos Crecer Sanos
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster printed on yellowed paper. At the top is "!Queremos Crecer Sanos!" in blue followed by "vacunandonos / contra la polio u el sarampion" in red. At the center is a cartoon-style image of a...

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