Political Posters

The “All Of Us Or None” (AOUON) archive project was started by Free Speech Movement activist Michael Rossman in 1977 to gather and document posters of modern progressive movements in the United States. Though some early works are included, its focus is on the domestic political poster renaissance that began in 1965 and continues to this day. When Rossman died May 12, 2008 his family donated the collection to the Oakland Museum of California. More …

The Archive gathered posters from all streams of progressive activity — from movements of protest, liberation, and affirmative action, trade union and community struggles, to electoral and environmental organizing, community services, and visionary manifestos. It is strongest in work from the San Francisco Bay Area, but its scope is national: approximately one-quarter of its holdings come from out of state, primarily New York City, Boston, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. These are complemented by a representation of international work. The collection consists of approximately 24,500 distinct titles.

The collection includes examples from well-known graphic artists including Malaquías Montoya, Emory Douglas, Rachael Romero, Rupert Garcia, Yolanda Lopez, Favianna Rodriguez, Carlos Cortez, Nancy Hom, Juan Fuentes, and Jos Sances, as well as material from seminal collective workshops such as La Raza Silkscreen, the Royal Chicano Air Force, Japantown Art and Media, Kearny Street Workshop, and Inkworks Press. Perhaps more important, the depth and breadth of the collection reveals the contribution of numerous lesser known or even anonymous artists whose cumulative impact on this democratic public art form has yet to be properly understood. 

The cataloging of the AOUON Archive was made possible by a generous grant from the Stephen M. Silberstein Foundation.


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This poster includes a black and white image of Julia Morgan with architectural drawings in the background. "Julia Morgan, architect" and "East Bay Charm" are below. There...


This poster features a circular photograph of a man with an afro in a white shirt playing a guitar and singing. White text below reads "''I''m gonna add some bottom / so...


This poster is divided in half horizontally with a photograph of "Bruce Lee / Martial Artist" in the top half and black and white graffiti text against a gray background in the bottom...


This poster features an image of Clint Eastwood dressed in Western apparel and sitting next to a cactus. The bottom half of the page is black and an upside-down Oak Tree symbol extends from...


This poster is made up of a black and white photograph of a woman working in a shipyard. She is wearing goggles on her head and holding a device with tubes attached in front of her. "...


This poster is made up of a black and white photograph of a man sitting at a desk and writing. "dragon wings" in a stylized font and another, smaller image of a man in an airplane are...


This poster features a photograph of "Calvin Simmons / Director and Conductor" set against a background of swirling black lines in a white field. There are three photographs below of...


This poster features a photograph of "Jim Otto" in a "00" football uniform. There is an "Oakland Raiders / World Champions" ring in the bottom right corner. A...


This poster depicts "Ralph ''Sonny'' Barger / founder of the Hell''s Angels Motorcycle Club". He is visible from the waist up riding a motorcycle and wearing...

Untitled (Military/Industry)
Late 20th Early 21st Century

This pink and black poster is a political cartoon featuring two make figures representing "Military" and "Industry" wrapped together in an American flag and standing between a rocket and a factory...

Unemployment Insurance
Late 20th Early 21st Century

This poster has a green background with a black and white photograph of a group of people in suits holing picket signs filling the center of the page. Gold text above reads "Unemployment Insurance...

Pioneers For Social Justice

This poster has a purple background with an illustration of "A. Philip / Randolph", "Sojourner / Truth", and "Oscar Garcia / Rivera" in the top center. Text above that image reads "New York States...

Hands Across America

This horizontally-oriented poster promotes the "Hands / across America" benefit on "May 25 1986". There are squiggly lines of blue, red, and yellow in the top 2/3 of the page and yellow text below...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

This poster is a cardstock campaign sign asking people to "Vote No On M / Stop The Taxi Company / $cam!" in large, black text. The background is yellow and there is a large, white "M" with a...

The land belongs to those who work it
Late 20th Early 21st Century

This poster is an image of a small plant growing in a field of dirt and people picking plants in the background. White text at the bottom of the page reads "The land belongs to those who work it"...

Malcolm X

This poster features an illustration of Malcolm X from the shoulders up in the top right third of the page. "Malcolm X / jazz arts festival" is below in large, white text. There orange, purple,...

Comic Relief
Late 20th Early 21st Century

This poster advertises a "Live!" comedy show with "Billy Crystal, Whoopi Goldberg and Robin Williams" called "Comic / Relief / V" and "Presented by HBO & CERTS". There is a photograph of the...

State of the Union

This horizontally-oriented poster is a photograph of a stock exchange with video monitors and crowds of people edited to incorporate an image of congress in session in the center of the room....

Shhh! Don't tell them they're learning.

This poster depicts a group of children gathered around a computer and playing games. There are games and toys scattered throughout the room, which is decorated with streamers at the top of the...

Justification For Higher Education

This horizontally-oriented poster is an image of 5 sports cars in a garage with a large house in the background. The house is on a cliff overlooking the water and there is an orange sunset in the...

Justification for Higher Education

Poster has black printed edges enclosing a color photo of a large house on a cliff overlooking the ocean. In the foreground is a long garage filled with expensive cars. At the top right of the...

And I Love New York

Poster has red printed edges. At the top left is "...And I Love New York" in white. At the center is a stylized image of a New York City street, with a mass amount of people crowding the sidewalks...

Proletarier Aller Lander Vereinigt Euch
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has yellow printed edges with brown and yellow borders enclosing a stylized image of men holding hands and dancing in a circle around the world. In a banner over the planet is "Proletarier...

The Struggles of the Past Inspire Our Struggles of Today

Poster has white unprinted edges enclosing a stylized color illustration of the backs of three men in blue holding brown batons, as onther figure at the left scuries away. At the top left and...

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