
Stop War

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper in red ink. A graphic of a stop sign appears at top center with the word "WAR" printed half on the sign and half below in a font style that appears...

Stop War

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper. A skull with a stars and stripes pattern is printed in red and blue ink at center. Text above and below reads "STOP WAR" in black ink...

Stop the War

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper in dark green ink. "Stop the War" is printed across the poster. A large graphic of a fist appears at center right and appears to be pushing down...

Then War has Many Faces, 7 Days in May

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper in red ink. Text at top right reads "The War Has Many Faces." A woman with two children appear at top left with text below that reads "May Day...

Turn It In

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper in red ink. The center of the poster contains a graphic of a Selective Service Notice of Classification document with a service number of "4 8 47 4...

Up Against the War

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper. The background is printed orange with a negative image of an isosceles triangle at center. Black poster text reads "up against the WAR."

Up Against the War Motherland

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper in orange ink. Poster text reads "Up Against The War Motherland." Below the text is a graphic of a peace symbol inside a silhouette of the United...

No Nixon Agnew War

Poster is printed on brown cardboard in blue, black, and pink that blend together in vertical stripes. The silhouette of a dove appears at top center perched on the "N" of the text "No Nixon...

End The War

Poster is printed in red ink with a peace symbol. Each word of the phrase "End The War" appears in one of the spaces of the symbol. "End" and "The" are printed vertically in the upper spaces and...

America is a Democracy Only as Long as it Represents the Will of the People.

Poster has a graphic printed in black and blue of a crowd of people. In the foreground at left a woman appears in profile facing a child at right who has his hands held up in the air. A man in...

End the War

Poster has large blue lettering in the center. Poster reads, "End the War."

The missing blank areas in the middle of the letters means that this was likely made as a simple paper stencil. [...

No Nixon Agnew War

Poster has a black backgroung with white text and image. In the center is "No Nixon Agnew War" in large lettering. Sitting on the "n" in No is a dove.

untitled (Ngo Vinh Long quote)

Poster has green photograph at the top of a woman holding a shovel in a field. Below is a box with script lettering in the middle. Poster reads, "On this land/ where each blade of grass is human...

Peace not war

Poster has stick-figure drawings of people fighting, stabbing each other, sad people, and dead people. Across the top is "Peace not war". Next to groups of people are labels, "dead people" "a man...

Stop killing at home, abroad

Poster has four horizontal bars of dark purple with white lettering. Poster reads, "Stop killing at home, abroad."

An example of linking deaths of U.S. activists towars on foreign soil. [...

So now Laos: Guard your rear!

Poster has an orange with green outline map of Laos. In the center is a large red explosion. Along the bottom edge is a red, orange and green triangle and circle pattern. Poster reads, "So Now...

Stop war stop buying

Poster is printed on blue paper with orange ink. Poster reads, "Stop war stop buying." The letter "o" in stop are peace symbols.

This poster makes an interesting link between American...

untitled (Strike)

Poster has red lettering printed overall. Poster reads, "Strike because there are cops in our Russel House strike because they invaded Cambodia strike because your classes are obscene in the face...

End war now

Poster is printed on a pieces of corrugated cardboard. In the center is "End War Now" in large outlined lettering. Behind is a background of black stripes with a solid black background at the...

Home Sweet Home: Bring Them Back Alive

Poster has a top edge border of a green sky with white clouds. In the center is "Home Sweet Home" spelled out in small outlined crosses. The bottom edge has "Bring Them Back Alive" printed in...

Make Peace with Peace not war...

Poster has a blue area at the bottom with an outline of a white dove holding a branch in its mouth. Above the image is "Make Peace With Peace Not War..." printed in blue. The bottom right corner...

A Time to Tear Down And a Time To Rebuild

Poster has a birght pink background with green lettering in the center. Poster reas, "A Time to Tear Down And A Time To Rebuild." The words "tear down" are mirrored below the words.



The poster is printed on white paper in red and blue ink. The poster has a stylized representation of the American flag. The red stripes are created by stylized drawings of rifles with their...

America : Give Us Something To Believe In

The poster is printed in purple ink on white paper. The center of the poster has a large peace sign that contains images of helmeted soldiers with rifles at top and images of a family at bottom....

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