community struggle

freedom of movement tour

Poster has a black background with blue and white text. Blue text at top reads "freedom of movement tour 2003" followed by a long web URL and "a chain of interventions against the globalisation of...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black and white dotted image of the top of the US Capitol building at the left. Imposed over the bottom of the photo is red text reading "Join The Second American Revolution For A...

The Globalization Game

White text title at the top of the poster in a black bar reads "the globalization game" followed by a blue bar with white text reading "how corporations, bureaucrats, and your tax money keep...


Blue bar the top of the poster has the New Internationalsist logos at the left and right with "adjusting structures, destroying lives - an NI map" follwoed by additional white text. Poster has a...

The Fence

Poster has blue text and black and white photographs printed on yellowed newspaper. At the top of the poster is a short black bar extending across the top with a blue "1789" printed in the middle...

Runaway Expansion of S.F. Airport
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black ink printed on yellowed newspaper. Text at the top reads "from the folks who brought you freeways, bay fill, smog, and highrises" follwoed by larger text reading "runaway...

Don't get locked out
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has central black and white images of six doors - three columns/two rows - each with white captions beneath reading, from left to right, "they just took that house off the market", "we don...

Globalize Justice - Not War!
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black and blue image across the top of various people rallying against gas/oil companies. A thin white arch moves across the photo with three dots - at the bottom left, top center,...

No se
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has central black and white images of six doors - three columns/two rows - each with white captions beneath. All the doors have signs on them except the bottom right, which is open to a...

Ne deje
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has central black and white images of six doors - three columns/two rows - each with white captions beneath. All the doors have signs on them except the bottom right, which is open to a...

July 4th

Poster has central black and white image of a group of faces - five on the top and four on the bottom. The bottom left figure is wearing a red headband. Abov ethe faces is a yellow background with...

July 4th

Poster has central black and white image of a group of faces - five on the top and four on the bottom. The bottom left figure is wearing a red headband. Abov ethe faces is a yellow background with...

The Traveller
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a copy of an image showing a man in a green hat and jacket pushing his bicycle full of his belongings down the side of a tree-lined street. In the basket of the bike is a cardboard sign...

No Child Labor
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black and white background image of a child on his knees with his head resting on a bin of baseballs and his eyes closed. Text is black and reads, at the top, "Tell The WTO" and...

Land of Plenty
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a copy of a painting showing a line of people in front of the US Capitol building waiting to get food. Centered beneath the image is black text reading "Land of Plenty". White border...

Fence In the WTO

Poster shows a man in a top hat labeled "WTO" surrounded by wood that has phrases like "respect local economies", "outlaw sweatshops...", "protect workers rights", "enforce labor standards", "end...

People's Park 33rd Anniversary

Poster has a central green image of a fairy standing in a patch of grass and flowers with vines as clothes. Surrounding her is red and white text. At the top "People''s Park 33rd Anniversary...

I Want You
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has blue images and red text printed on white nonwoven polyester material. At top is an image of a man wearing a top hat with a peace symbol on it and glasses pointing his right hand toward...

Vote No
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has bue and white text printed on a white background with a blue and white border. Blue bar at top has white text reading "Vote" and a blue bar at the bottom reading "Stop The ''Poor Laws...

Solidarity Day
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has red and white text printed on white paper with a white border. Red/white text at top reads "Solidarity Day". Poster image shows a crowd of people, some holding signs that say "Workers...


Poster has black text printed on beige paper. Centered at the top in twow lines of small text is "There Is No Hope For Solving The Engery Crisis, Pollution Problem, Or Economic Degradation That...

Stop The Reagan War Machine
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a central black and white image of a line of cartoon and dotted people, some with their fists raised. Above the crowd is red diagonal text reading "money for jobs - Not for war!". At...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has green text and images printed on unlined side of lined paper with holes down the left and right sides. Poster printed on two pieces of paper slightly connected by fibers and taped...

Poster has green text and images printed on unlined side of lined paper with holes down the left and right sides. Poster printed on two pieces of paper slightly connected by fibers. Poster shows...

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