work on paper

S.E. Asia Theater Feature:1960's Held Over
Stop War
Stop War
Stop the War
This is Your Air Too : so How Long Will You Hold Your Breath?
Stop Nixon's War Machine
The Wages of Sin are Death Therefore Choose Life
Then War has Many Faces, 7 Days in May
They Also Die Who Stand and Watch
Peace is Patriotic
Peace is Patriotic
The Law Requires That You Inform Your Draft Board of All Changes in Status, Obey The Law to the Letter, Jam Your Board May 1970.
Unite Against the War
Turn It In
U.S., Cambodia, Kent
Up Against the War
Up Against the War Motherland
Visit Army Day Exhibits, A Strong America is a Peaceful America
Strike!  Get Out of S.E. [South East] Asia Now!
No Nixon Agnew War
Peace On Earth
What Happened [to peace]?
End The War
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