work on paper

The Future Is In Our Hands

The poster has a thin white border and a light blue background overall. The poster has a highly stylized drawing of three female figures, seen in profile one in front of the other their faces...


The top and bottom edges have a maroon border that mimics the torn edge of a piece of paper. The top of the poster has a photograph of an image of an old woman's face created out of sew together...

The Dancer of Shamahka
ca 1975

The left right and bottom edges have a border created by sets of two thin black lines decorated with hyroglyps and stylized flora. The top of the poster has a photograph of a female figure against...

Eleanor Smeal

The top edge of the poster has the text: "Eleanor Smeal / past President, Notional Organization for Women". Below, at right, the poster has a photograph of a female figure with short, dark hair...

untitled (NWPC speech)
ca 1977

Poster is glossy overall. Poster has a thick white border and a blue background with white text overall. Poster reads from top to bottom: "We are in for a very, very long / haul... I am asking...

We Still Ain't Satisfied

The top edge of the poster has a yellow background with black text: "International Women's Day 1990". Below the poster has a black background. At right is a stylized drawing of two female figures...

untitled (women's suffrage)

The top of the poster has a black and white photograph that has at right a male police officer grabbing and carrying a woman down the street. It appears the woman is being carried against her will...

We Are Not Satisfied

The poster has a stylized drawing of a line, of women marchers or protestors holding signs, that snakes off into the distance. At the front of the line are figures contemporary to the time of the...

Feminism Lives

The poster has a stylized drawing of a female figure. Her short, dark hair is partially concealing her eyes. She is wearing a large coat or scarf and a beret. Below the figure is the text: "...

I Am the Way

Poster has a stylized drawing of a female figure's head in profile. The face and neck are in orange and the hair is in yellow. The upper right corner of the poster has an orange sun. The figures...

I Will Choose
c.a. 1982

The top of the poster has a photograph of a painting. The painting depicts a stylized human figure shown from the waist up. The figure has a wound in its chest through which the rib cage can be...

circa 1972

Poster is printed on light green paper with darker green lettering. Poster reads, "We do as much, we eat as much, we want as much. Sojourner Truth Seneca Falls Women's Convention 1848....

Women never, never, never shall be slaves

Poster has a drawing in black of a woman dressed in Roman military clothing. She has on a draped tunic and a Roman military helmet. She is holding an axe and a sheild with the female gender symbol...

Sarah Bishop aka Dirty Mindy

Poster has a drawing of a woman in yellow and black along the left. The top of the poster has "Sarah Bishop aka Dirty Mindy" printed in large lettering. The upper left has a darwing of a railroad...

The Moon is my Shepherdess

Poster has a background of wavy black and white lines. In the center is a large circle with a face drawn. The face has four eyes. Below the circle is "the moon is my shepherdess I shall not want...

1980 - Centennial Year of Honor

Poster has a light blue background with a white drawing in the center and black text. The drawing depicts a profile of a woman with a bonnet and a heavy jacket. Below is "1-3-1793 11-11-1880." The...

The rising of women means the rising of us all

Poster is printed on orange paper with blue ink. It has a drawing in the center of four women of different ethnicities. the Asian woman on the right is holding a gun. Around the drawing is "the...

untitled (Deborah Samson story)

Poster has a large blue and geen drawing of a person wearing revolutionary style hat and clothing along the right side. The person has a blue hat, green head scarf and a green tie. On the left is...

Margaret Sanger

Poster has purple background with yellow balcony drawings on either side. In the center is a drawing of a woman in a red dress talking to a seated woman holding a baby with a young girl and boy...

Every mother is a working woman

Poster is printed on blue paper with white text. In the center is a white oval outline with "Every mother is a working woman" printed in white inside.

The common woman is as common as a rattlesnake
c. 1975

Poster has a pink and purple drawing in the center of two women's heads. Below is "The common woman is as common as a rattlesnake" in purple script.

Let me live
c. 1975

Poster is printed on yellow paper with black image and text. In the center is a female symbol with a woman raising her fist. Above is "Let Me Live."

The right to vote, or equal civil rights
c. 1975

Poster is printed on yellow paper with black text and image. On the left is a drawing of a woman making a peace sigh with one hand. On the right is text. It reads, "The right to vote, or equal...

A Woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle
c. 1975

Poster is printed on yellow paper with green text and image. In the center is a drawingof a fish riding a bicycle. Above is "A Woman Without a Man is like a fish without a bicycle."

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